€ove£ife♡'s general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
57039 | -11 | Erica Dunphy | 92,654 | ||||
57040 | -11 | Audrey2003 | 92,647 | ||||
57041 | -11 | SilentCat1996 | 92,633 | ||||
57042 | -11 | KatieC2275 | 92,626 | ||||
57043 | -11 | NekomaKitten | 92,622 | ||||
57044 | -11 | Nycolei99 | 92,621 | ||||
57045 | -11 | Kiygi | 92,620 | ||||
57046 | -11 | HisGirl95 | 92,604 | ||||
57047 | -11 | emosugarplum | 92,589 | ||||
57048 | -11 | €ove£ife♡ | 92,583 | ||||
57049 | -11 | blackskull84 | 92,582 | ||||
57050 | -11 | badgirl357 | 92,581 | ||||
57051 | -11 | Callaxic | 92,580 | ||||
57052 | -11 | Dire Wolf | 92,579 | ||||
57053 | -10 | Plulola | 92,548 | ||||
57054 | -10 | Cccacc | 92,546 | ||||
57055 | -10 | Bella Legend | 92,543 | ||||
57056 | -10 | JM2B | 92,540 | ||||
57057 | -10 | skyegaze | 92,539 | ||||
57058 | -10 | TREUE | 92,520 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
73726 | -21 | CatlynS97 | 5 | ||||
73727 | -21 | peppsiroll | 5 | ||||
73728 | -21 | mady1121 | 5 | ||||
73729 | -21 | Ellllie | 5 | ||||
73730 | -21 | thekingsangel15 | 5 | ||||
73731 | -21 | unbotheredmuse | 5 | ||||
73732 | -21 | Haeloft | 5 | ||||
73733 | -21 | aj420 | 5 | ||||
73734 | -21 | anita | 5 | ||||
73735 | -21 | €ove£ife♡ | 5 | ||||
73736 | -21 | AmberN | 5 | ||||
73737 | -21 | Melanie2021 | 5 | ||||
73738 | -21 | SadBaby | 5 | ||||
73739 | -21 | BackinNam | 5 | ||||
73740 | -21 | lalaland | 5 | ||||
73741 | -21 | Pinegurl#12 | 5 | ||||
73742 | -21 | Luaii | 5 | ||||
73743 | -21 | nyquil | 5 | ||||
73744 | -21 | pastelprincess15 | 5 | ||||
73745 | -21 | Moony123 | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
44396 | -92 | TexasRed | 91,001 | ||||
44397 | -126 | aj96 | 90,994 | ||||
44398 | -93 | Tompkin82 | 90,983 | ||||
44399 | -93 | afkinkitchen | 90,966 | ||||
44400 | -93 | Jaserfly | 90,952 | ||||
44401 | -93 | Pugpug1999? | 90,949 | ||||
44402 | -92 | Ria.Mariie | 90,941 | ||||
44403 | -92 | ernipants | 90,940 | ||||
44404 | -92 | Uthorm | 90,935 | ||||
44405 | -92 | €ove£ife♡ | 90,933 | ||||
44406 | -91 | ViolentPixie | 90,921 | ||||
44407 | -91 | LorelaiRae | 90,920 | ||||
44408 | -90 | brooker0703 | 90,884 | ||||
44409 | -89 | Seahorse | 90,879 | ||||
44410 | -89 | puaia | 90,845 | ||||
44411 | -88 | Herodotus | 90,821 | ||||
44412 | -88 | Снегурочка | 90,820 | ||||
44413 | -88 | ABDULLAH1710 | 90,820 | ||||
44414 | -88 | Alex_SSO | 90,817 | ||||
44415 | -4053 | Doveann16 | 90,807 |
Player | Days | ||||||
96007 | -35 | Joslin | 2 | ||||
96008 | -35 | krista | 2 | ||||
96009 | -35 | QueenEsmerelda98 | 2 | ||||
96010 | -35 | RagingDonut | 2 | ||||
96011 | -35 | KerbobbledSquid | 2 | ||||
96012 | -35 | Anubis_uu | 2 | ||||
96013 | -35 | AstaEvening | 2 | ||||
96014 | -35 | Rosy_Fox_20 | 2 | ||||
96015 | -35 | Stormy Rayne | 2 | ||||
96016 | -35 | €ove£ife♡ | 2 | ||||
96017 | -35 | Kaec19 | 2 | ||||
96018 | -35 | jessie23 | 2 | ||||
96019 | -35 | FluffyDaydream | 2 | ||||
96020 | -35 | mantismaster | 2 | ||||
96021 | -35 | ratiorebel | 2 | ||||
96022 | -35 | BaiBoo6 | 2 | ||||
96023 | -35 | brandi55467 | 2 | ||||
96024 | -35 | VixenInBattle | 2 | ||||
96025 | -35 | mrb5309 | 2 | ||||
96026 | -35 | Fae Hawke | 2 |