ncraige1018's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
68248 | -65 | Angry | 30,876 | ||||
68249 | -65 | honeybadgerwrath | 30,875 | ||||
68250 | -65 | KALLEN123 | 30,875 | ||||
68251 | -65 | horselover243 | 30,871 | ||||
68252 | -65 | Kamiclysm | 30,871 | ||||
68253 | -65 | MammaBear | 30,854 | ||||
68254 | -65 | kowgirl0000 | 30,852 | ||||
68255 | -65 | KittyV98 | 30,849 | ||||
68256 | -65 | eden gibson | 30,849 | ||||
68257 | -65 | ncraige1018 | 30,848 | ||||
68258 | -63 | Celestial Mirage | 30,844 | ||||
68259 | -66 | hallbl1989 | 30,844 | ||||
68260 | -66 | eveninstwr | 30,840 | ||||
68261 | -65 | Jlenard21 | 30,824 | ||||
68262 | -65 | ameep9 | 30,823 | ||||
68263 | -65 | quincy.coet | 30,817 | ||||
68264 | -65 | Yeefton | 30,816 | ||||
68265 | -65 | tzedakahs | 30,811 | ||||
68266 | -65 | princesspayme96 | 30,804 | ||||
68267 | -65 | Hannah Chinnakam | 30,801 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
66736 | -6 | kfolmer | 8 | ||||
66737 | -6 | westfeeld | 8 | ||||
66738 | -6 | hopebringer | 8 | ||||
66739 | -6 | kesäsade | 8 | ||||
66740 | -6 | Florianzii | 8 | ||||
66741 | -6 | KirahhLH | 8 | ||||
66742 | -6 | sliver | 8 | ||||
66743 | -6 | itsmadyagain | 8 | ||||
66744 | -6 | chi420 | 8 | ||||
66745 | -6 | ncraige1018 | 8 | ||||
66746 | -6 | Celeste_03! | 8 | ||||
66747 | -6 | Foxypanda78 | 8 | ||||
66748 | -6 | Zeldabela | 8 | ||||
66749 | -6 | gabbbyz | 8 | ||||
66750 | -6 | ollie19 | 8 | ||||
66751 | -6 | lilylax | 8 | ||||
66752 | -6 | Nuggyrue19 | 8 | ||||
66753 | -6 | KineticKudu | 8 | ||||
66754 | -6 | gaukelt | 8 | ||||
66755 | -6 | Wolf10 | 8 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
60076 | -30 | besoden | 24,800 | ||||
60077 | -30 | true2 | 24,798 | ||||
60078 | -30 | AmMcK | 24,798 | ||||
60079 | -30 | Glitch_Oni | 24,797 | ||||
60080 | -30 | KendraRay2 | 24,797 | ||||
60081 | -30 | BudsyRunit | 24,796 | ||||
60082 | -30 | chopi | 24,793 | ||||
60083 | +1272 | Kronia | 24,791 | ||||
60084 | -31 | jessj | 24,791 | ||||
60085 | -30 | ncraige1018 | 24,774 | ||||
60086 | -30 | WesternVintageLady | 24,768 | ||||
60087 | -30 | WolfyStars | 24,767 | ||||
60088 | -30 | 6whiteknights | 24,764 | ||||
60089 | -30 | Arianna802 | 24,758 | ||||
60090 | -30 | Darrion | 24,758 | ||||
60091 | -30 | balmalin_ | 24,757 | ||||
60092 | -30 | Vessie | 24,755 | ||||
60093 | -30 | Snotkinnie | 24,751 | ||||
60094 | -24 | okcourtnee | 24,751 | ||||
60095 | -31 | Fanfiction nerd | 24,750 |
Player | Days | ||||||
67601 | -24 | jessi33 | 9 | ||||
67602 | -24 | KakesuWolf | 9 | ||||
67603 | -24 | yarose22 | 9 | ||||
67604 | -24 | azule | 9 | ||||
67605 | -24 | codedaq | 9 | ||||
67606 | -24 | InayaJayne | 9 | ||||
67607 | -24 | legitgreen97 | 9 | ||||
67608 | -24 | krmcarthur | 9 | ||||
67609 | -24 | jharkey | 9 | ||||
67610 | -24 | ncraige1018 | 9 | ||||
67611 | -24 | ChampsMoonLady | 9 | ||||
67612 | -24 | annaittl | 9 | ||||
67613 | -24 | Madam_Curie4101 | 9 | ||||
67614 | -24 | mayla85 | 9 | ||||
67615 | -24 | astigg22 | 9 | ||||
67616 | -24 | NIKOLINA26 | 9 | ||||
67617 | -24 | Shortaay6 | 9 | ||||
67618 | -24 | universe211 | 9 | ||||
67619 | -24 | Allie52 | 9 | ||||
67620 | -24 | aprde | 9 |