Gloria's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 11th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
31530 | -19 | Clhannah | 366,612 | ||||
31531 | -19 | AGENTGEENA | 366,598 | ||||
31532 | -19 | PunkB1rd | 366,597 | ||||
31533 | -19 | Teresa Randazzo | 366,597 | ||||
31534 | -18 | Sammy Burke | 366,591 | ||||
31535 | -18 | Jamielynn99 | 366,569 | ||||
31536 | -18 | billabob | 366,542 | ||||
31537 | -17 | SHERLOCKED97 | 366,507 | ||||
31538 | -17 | AnnieCakes21 | 366,507 | ||||
31539 | -16 | Gloria | 366,499 | ||||
31540 | -16 | Jadzia1999 | 366,482 | ||||
31541 | -15 | reese12 | 366,424 | ||||
31542 | -15 | krjump | 366,416 | ||||
31543 | -15 | Valkyrie0514 | 366,396 | ||||
31544 | -15 | ArtisticFocus | 366,358 | ||||
31545 | -15 | Aoifala | 366,349 | ||||
31546 | -15 | 竜戦士 | 366,324 | ||||
31547 | -15 | loaf_of_bread | 366,313 | ||||
31548 | -15 | loveleigh_horses | 366,306 | ||||
31549 | -15 | nurse2020 | 366,249 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
29149 | -11 | PhasmaII | 45 | ||||
29150 | -11 | strawberricough | 45 | ||||
29151 | -11 | Alex123 | 45 | ||||
29152 | -11 | CovCam22 | 45 | ||||
29153 | -11 | Wgrace579 | 45 | ||||
29154 | -11 | hello987 | 45 | ||||
29155 | -11 | APHA139 | 45 | ||||
29156 | -11 | HighJinx | 45 | ||||
29157 | -11 | morgankay381 | 45 | ||||
29158 | -11 | Gloria | 45 | ||||
29159 | -11 | tccumbe | 45 | ||||
29160 | -11 | katie.neldie | 45 | ||||
29161 | -11 | ygritte | 45 | ||||
29162 | -11 | Mightymanlark | 45 | ||||
29163 | -11 | Exlibris | 45 | ||||
29164 | -11 | νανα | 45 | ||||
29165 | -11 | Bynurivic | 45 | ||||
29166 | -11 | hoquespoques | 45 | ||||
29167 | -11 | totilas | 45 | ||||
29168 | -11 | rovaanz | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
23887 | +25 | Apocalypto | 551,145 | ||||
23888 | -4 | Mr. Mehman | 551,138 | ||||
23889 | -4 | Dracula | 551,137 | ||||
23890 | -1 | Edaa | 551,094 | ||||
23891 | -5 | ruby238 | 551,088 | ||||
23892 | -5 | Cowgirl's Pride | 551,051 | ||||
23893 | -5 | xxi | 551,039 | ||||
23894 | -4 | huskies602 | 550,991 | ||||
23895 | -4 | Serenglas | 550,953 | ||||
23896 | -4 | Gloria | 550,936 | ||||
23897 | -4 | TheLonelyWolf | 550,927 | ||||
23898 | -2 | Nhany21 | 550,890 | ||||
23899 | -1 | Lorimari40 | 550,836 | ||||
23900 | -6 | maddymin32 | 550,820 | ||||
23901 | -4 | NipSkip | 550,779 | ||||
23902 | -2 | kbrewster6365 | 550,686 | ||||
23903 | +20 | Hollywood Undead | 550,649 | ||||
23904 | -3 | WombatPixie | 550,646 | ||||
23905 | -3 | wagen3 | 550,582 | ||||
23906 | -3 | Molly1795 | 550,508 |
Player | Days | ||||||
20590 | +30 | Kisutwe | 306 | ||||
20591 | -4 | Sally Jordan | 306 | ||||
20592 | -4 | sweetrose | 306 | ||||
20593 | -4 | Cocochanel | 306 | ||||
20594 | +30 | 2235 | 306 | ||||
20595 | -5 | Пщащэ Адыгэ | 306 | ||||
20596 | -4 | CasperJayy | 306 | ||||
20597 | -4 | Xor | 306 | ||||
20598 | -4 | 95rew | 306 | ||||
20599 | -4 | Gloria | 306 | ||||
20600 | -3 | Luna M.Snow | 306 | ||||
20601 | +32 | Sarlant | 306 | ||||
20602 | -3 | bones | 306 | ||||
20603 | -3 | megandannie | 306 | ||||
20604 | +35 | Immura1972 | 306 | ||||
20605 | -4 | Valeen | 306 | ||||
20606 | +34 | ijbrka | 306 | ||||
20607 | -4 | Dragonix | 305 | ||||
20608 | -4 | sevro | 305 | ||||
20609 | -4 | Syvelocin | 305 |