SapphicWings42's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
91602 | +60 | עומרי1 | 22,783 | ||||
91603 | +60 | PoorFarmerGirl | 22,781 | ||||
91604 | +60 | Dwill2326 | 22,777 | ||||
91605 | +68 | Lion Lion | 22,770 | ||||
91606 | +59 | timbertank | 22,767 | ||||
91607 | +59 | chrisanneraben | 22,760 | ||||
91608 | +59 | zwifty11 | 22,759 | ||||
91609 | +59 | Shirk | 22,757 | ||||
91610 | +59 | Benniztindviz | 22,755 | ||||
91611 | +59 | SapphicWings42 | 22,754 | ||||
91612 | +59 | poocs | 22,752 | ||||
91613 | +59 | Horserider | 22,752 | ||||
91614 | +60 | SkylarWind | 22,746 | ||||
91615 | +60 | KakesuWolf | 22,744 | ||||
91616 | +60 | toastofmayfair | 22,736 | ||||
91617 | +60 | ski13 | 22,732 | ||||
91618 | +60 | eli1111 | 22,730 | ||||
91619 | +60 | Ichabod | 22,719 | ||||
91620 | +61 | SouthDakotaGirl | 22,715 | ||||
91621 | +61 | joor | 22,708 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
67781 | -7 | bremarie608 | 8 | ||||
67782 | -7 | Stormisky | 8 | ||||
67783 | -7 | katm25 | 8 | ||||
67784 | -7 | mmmmegan | 8 | ||||
67785 | -7 | barbiebush12 | 8 | ||||
67786 | -7 | BATlee2244 | 8 | ||||
67787 | -7 | Bweed240 | 8 | ||||
67788 | -7 | moomoo21 | 8 | ||||
67789 | -7 | Moldycheese27 | 8 | ||||
67790 | -7 | SapphicWings42 | 8 | ||||
67791 | -7 | BaiBoo | 8 | ||||
67792 | -7 | IppySkippy | 8 | ||||
67793 | -7 | Sb.hirst | 8 | ||||
67794 | -7 | aizawahayes | 8 | ||||
67795 | -7 | ssanders0522 | 8 | ||||
67796 | -7 | JLPTRAINING | 8 | ||||
67797 | -7 | lynxwing | 8 | ||||
67798 | -7 | partyfavors99 | 8 | ||||
67799 | -7 | lariahh . | 8 | ||||
67800 | -7 | benjamim | 8 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
58211 | -30 | jessejames | 28,721 | ||||
58212 | -30 | Mikayla879 | 28,720 | ||||
58213 | -30 | Brom Darth | 28,719 | ||||
58214 | -30 | Allyson Bloodgood | 28,718 | ||||
58215 | -30 | Silversplinter | 28,716 | ||||
58216 | -30 | skittishspectre | 28,715 | ||||
58217 | -30 | Nyxiaa069 | 28,713 | ||||
58218 | -30 | sakaria05 | 28,713 | ||||
58219 | -29 | Rebelthecob18 | 28,706 | ||||
58220 | -29 | SapphicWings42 | 28,706 | ||||
58221 | -29 | Crimeshows12 | 28,702 | ||||
58222 | -29 | mama panda | 28,698 | ||||
58223 | -29 | Wickeria | 28,697 | ||||
58224 | -29 | bitebarks | 28,697 | ||||
58225 | -29 | Lei | 28,697 | ||||
58226 | -28 | Smoke2104 | 28,694 | ||||
58227 | -28 | Stagbones | 28,689 | ||||
58228 | -28 | HLDancer | 28,685 | ||||
58229 | -28 | ReganTridle98 | 28,679 | ||||
58230 | -28 | L1n | 28,678 |
Player | Days | ||||||
62914 | = | lapala00 | 13 | ||||
62915 | = | kaaycj | 13 | ||||
62916 | = | jhess9021 | 13 | ||||
62917 | = | Anzku | 13 | ||||
62918 | = | | 13 | ||||
62919 | = | Samantha Hand | 13 | ||||
62920 | = | Warfield | 13 | ||||
62921 | = | SpicyToona | 13 | ||||
62922 | = | Reg.M | 13 | ||||
62923 | = | SapphicWings42 | 13 | ||||
62924 | = | Mac1915 | 13 | ||||
62925 | = | spursnblingg | 13 | ||||
62926 | = | Alyc | 13 | ||||
62927 | = | DakotaDutton | 13 | ||||
62928 | = | Fallayage | 13 | ||||
62929 | = | Lylian | 13 | ||||
62930 | = | mayaviikinsalo | 13 | ||||
62931 | = | Azula L | 13 | ||||
62932 | = | beau reiner | 13 | ||||
62933 | = | Tobleflorone | 13 |