Lovettexox's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 19th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
63632 | -32 | Princess2132010 | 51,541 | ||||
63633 | -32 | EmzaxXx | 51,538 | ||||
63634 | -32 | Shaunicei35 | 51,534 | ||||
63635 | -32 | Magmagaming | 51,515 | ||||
63636 | -32 | Poetic.Cryptid | 51,507 | ||||
63637 | -32 | Stormisky | 51,504 | ||||
63638 | -32 | krtz | 51,502 | ||||
63639 | -32 | brigganjhi | 51,498 | ||||
63640 | -32 | Prince_Alasse | 51,479 | ||||
63641 | -32 | Lovettexox | 51,475 | ||||
63642 | -32 | Ashy2392 | 51,470 | ||||
63643 | -29 | Bobakz70 | 51,467 | ||||
63644 | -33 | ghostyquill | 51,467 | ||||
63645 | -33 | BonBon | 51,467 | ||||
63646 | -33 | NettE190488 | 51,465 | ||||
63647 | -32 | Hanseni92 | 51,465 | ||||
63648 | -32 | reya148 | 51,458 | ||||
63649 | -32 | CALLISTAA | 51,458 | ||||
63650 | -32 | cheyennep19 | 51,452 | ||||
63651 | -32 | rolawless | 51,451 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
67039 | -13 | Apollo13.1 | 8 | ||||
67040 | -13 | mvidlak | 8 | ||||
67041 | -13 | aethyrwolf | 8 | ||||
67042 | -13 | UnlimitedMnMs | 8 | ||||
67043 | -13 | Kitten1163 | 8 | ||||
67044 | -13 | lilcupidwife | 8 | ||||
67045 | -13 | peanut | 8 | ||||
67046 | -13 | Riotzoar | 8 | ||||
67047 | -13 | Dalton1728 | 8 | ||||
67048 | -13 | Lovettexox | 8 | ||||
67049 | -13 | ItsPrincess | 8 | ||||
67050 | -13 | twerner | 8 | ||||
67051 | -13 | lovablegamer | 8 | ||||
67052 | -13 | Drevak | 8 | ||||
67053 | -13 | Katie Lou | 8 | ||||
67054 | -13 | Elsa92 | 8 | ||||
67055 | -13 | agroupofants | 8 | ||||
67056 | -13 | rosebudequine | 8 | ||||
67057 | -13 | julieann1992 | 8 | ||||
67058 | -13 | BobbyPony | 8 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
33655 | +2 | nouka | 231,477 | ||||
33656 | +2 | Aretha | 231,439 | ||||
33657 | -8697 | Cowgirlkk22 | 231,432 | ||||
33658 | +1 | Biggay247 | 231,426 | ||||
33659 | +1 | Louis_hi | 231,398 | ||||
33660 | +1 | Lightbulb | 231,368 | ||||
33661 | +2 | Champion_07 | 231,324 | ||||
33662 | +30 | xmliza | 231,321 | ||||
33663 | +34 | Niconero | 231,312 | ||||
33664 | = | Lovettexox | 231,309 | ||||
33665 | = | סינדרלה420 | 231,300 | ||||
33666 | = | Ninthnoter | 231,298 | ||||
33667 | +757 | AQHAhope | 231,296 | ||||
33668 | +1 | Heather Lynn Link | 231,254 | ||||
33669 | +6 | Crimson Phantom | 231,242 | ||||
33670 | = | Lover 2 Horses | 231,233 | ||||
33671 | = | Ember23 | 231,205 | ||||
33672 | +31 | beaners1 | 231,194 | ||||
33673 | -110 | Misaki | 231,184 | ||||
33674 | -1 | Fox Lunelis | 231,174 |
Player | Days | ||||||
64032 | -6 | nevaehlaw18 | 12 | ||||
64033 | -6 | Queen duck | 12 | ||||
64034 | -6 | ReganTridle98 | 12 | ||||
64035 | -6 | mayday19 | 12 | ||||
64036 | -6 | pearlricardo01 | 12 | ||||
64037 | -6 | himbofan | 12 | ||||
64038 | -6 | PrincessElaria | 12 | ||||
64039 | -6 | abbietripp11 | 12 | ||||
64040 | -6 | eday2003 | 12 | ||||
64041 | -6 | Lovettexox | 12 | ||||
64042 | -6 | Toothless98 | 12 | ||||
64043 | -6 | Wpiocecta | 12 | ||||
64044 | -6 | RawhideRose | 12 | ||||
64045 | -6 | winterrose7 | 12 | ||||
64046 | -6 | pony4care4 | 12 | ||||
64047 | -6 | Magic18 | 12 | ||||
64048 | -6 | derek324 | 12 | ||||
64049 | -6 | cheyy26 | 12 | ||||
64050 | -6 | bjmiller23 | 12 | ||||
64051 | -6 | Arana springs | 12 |