texasranger2118's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
68312 | -9 | capri | 31,808 | ||||
68313 | -9 | rosepie5 | 31,808 | ||||
68314 | -9 | Savannah Baugh | 31,803 | ||||
68315 | -9 | Zero_Fate_ | 31,796 | ||||
68316 | -9 | CameronPorter | 31,795 | ||||
68317 | - | DannielleRose | 31,788 | ||||
68318 | -10 | GhettoSandwitch | 31,788 | ||||
68319 | -10 | Chey_Rod20 | 31,783 | ||||
68320 | -10 | snowwomen | 31,782 | ||||
68321 | -10 | texasranger2118 | 31,781 | ||||
68322 | -10 | TheAtlasEnigma | 31,779 | ||||
68323 | -10 | Leahia | 31,777 | ||||
68324 | - | dianebrooks22!! | 31,765 | ||||
68325 | -11 | nerryna | 31,763 | ||||
68326 | -11 | HorseCrazies04 | 31,761 | ||||
68327 | -11 | KirstinP | 31,760 | ||||
68328 | -11 | AdamsMeg | 31,760 | ||||
68329 | -11 | LazySArabians | 31,755 | ||||
68330 | -11 | tahnee | 31,752 | ||||
68331 | -11 | CELESTIAO33 | 31,752 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
78637 | -30 | Cpoole1719 | 4 | ||||
78638 | -30 | Countrygirlm107 | 4 | ||||
78639 | -30 | legitnobody | 4 | ||||
78640 | -30 | kazutokirigaya | 4 | ||||
78641 | -30 | An-Magritt | 4 | ||||
78642 | -30 | JaneKat | 4 | ||||
78643 | -30 | ThornyPeaches | 4 | ||||
78644 | -30 | Coolerbear | 4 | ||||
78645 | -30 | kdccweebs | 4 | ||||
78646 | -30 | texasranger2118 | 4 | ||||
78647 | -30 | mmessmer0620 | 4 | ||||
78648 | -30 | SpottedGhost | 4 | ||||
78649 | -30 | 98Esmeex | 4 | ||||
78650 | -30 | CorneliaSt | 4 | ||||
78651 | -30 | rosalisa | 4 | ||||
78652 | -30 | Austin Califf | 4 | ||||
78653 | -30 | Judith078 | 4 | ||||
78654 | -30 | Geekgirl1988 | 4 | ||||
78655 | -30 | BeccaV23 | 4 | ||||
78656 | -30 | Rusty11311 | 4 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
52570 | +12 | EmoHorrorHappiness | 45,081 | ||||
52571 | +12 | Whispering Winds | 45,080 | ||||
52572 | +12 | Pipjenks27 | 45,080 | ||||
52573 | +12 | angelcakess | 45,076 | ||||
52574 | +12 | Mudpiedog | 45,075 | ||||
52575 | +12 | MercyRose | 45,073 | ||||
52576 | +12 | mudderchick | 45,073 | ||||
52577 | +80 | Pumpkin316 | 45,068 | ||||
52578 | +11 | Zug | 45,058 | ||||
52579 | +11 | texasranger2118 | 45,056 | ||||
52580 | +11 | heaven.11 | 45,056 | ||||
52581 | +11 | tesbelle | 45,050 | ||||
52582 | +11 | SadFroot | 45,047 | ||||
52583 | +11 | horsetrotter | 45,046 | ||||
52584 | +11 | Memealine | 45,045 | ||||
52585 | +12 | Rocky rider | 45,036 | ||||
52586 | +12 | Misty123 | 45,035 | ||||
52587 | +12 | Rebecca Cecilie | 45,034 | ||||
52588 | +12 | ShaharShuva | 45,033 | ||||
52589 | +12 | Laniana | 45,031 |
Player | Days | ||||||
75817 | -15 | rwilma73 | 5 | ||||
75818 | -15 | shmoon | 5 | ||||
75819 | -15 | kleann1 | 5 | ||||
75820 | -15 | ronipony | 5 | ||||
75821 | -15 | ghostyyxo | 5 | ||||
75822 | -15 | ChaosCoordinator | 5 | ||||
75823 | -15 | smanthrz | 5 | ||||
75824 | -15 | JaneKat | 5 | ||||
75825 | -15 | lasagnis | 5 | ||||
75826 | -15 | texasranger2118 | 5 | ||||
75827 | -15 | Cass_B96 | 5 | ||||
75828 | -15 | DancingFawn | 5 | ||||
75829 | -15 | alwayshangry24 | 5 | ||||
75830 | -15 | ventika | 5 | ||||
75831 | -15 | Sam34 | 5 | ||||
75832 | -15 | mentilley | 5 | ||||
75833 | -15 | Jessicaborrelli49 | 5 | ||||
75834 | -15 | Jessica062 | 5 | ||||
75835 | -15 | indigobunting | 5 | ||||
75836 | -15 | chongafa | 5 |