jlkillian's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
34939 | +4 | KRKAlpha | 309,704 | ||||
34940 | +4 | CuteEvilOne | 309,678 | ||||
34941 | +4 | Mathpony27 | 309,664 | ||||
34942 | +4 | TexasRain | 309,657 | ||||
34943 | +4 | chelsirose15 | 309,647 | ||||
34944 | +4 | ShelbyAnn258 | 309,643 | ||||
34945 | +4 | warrior0521 | 309,632 | ||||
34946 | +4 | tsktsking | 309,626 | ||||
34947 | +4 | Ublekk1 | 309,621 | ||||
34948 | +4 | jlkillian | 309,614 | ||||
34949 | +4 | K.Maise | 309,602 | ||||
34950 | +4 | frostedoats | 309,536 | ||||
34951 | +527 | Aisling5678 | 309,529 | ||||
34952 | +4 | itlogedmeout | 309,528 | ||||
34953 | +2 | Anita_Blake | 309,528 | ||||
34954 | +3 | horsingaround127 | 309,454 | ||||
34955 | +3 | britney | 309,449 | ||||
34956 | -14 | Cpitz | 309,444 | ||||
34957 | +2 | Echolinnea | 309,443 | ||||
34958 | +2 | Chloe.K | 309,441 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
50250 | +1129 | Heavenly Romance | 23 | ||||
50251 | -59 | Monstra Belleza | 23 | ||||
50252 | -59 | xIKauri | 23 | ||||
50253 | -58 | HORSEs | 23 | ||||
50254 | -58 | SkyRider | 23 | ||||
50255 | -58 | CelestialLeaf | 23 | ||||
50256 | -58 | Misslunalight | 23 | ||||
50257 | -58 | Robin_noble | 23 | ||||
50258 | +1131 | NoFailure | 23 | ||||
50259 | -58 | jlkillian | 23 | ||||
50260 | -58 | Harlynd | 23 | ||||
50261 | -58 | StarlightLeo | 23 | ||||
50262 | -58 | Sunny Stables | 23 | ||||
50263 | -58 | captain_marvel | 23 | ||||
50264 | -58 | ValarianMoon | 23 | ||||
50265 | -58 | JoyTheSylveon1 | 23 | ||||
50266 | -58 | Annabelle2000 | 23 | ||||
50267 | -58 | thevillage | 23 | ||||
50268 | -58 | liadel | 23 | ||||
50269 | -58 | kileenicole | 23 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
29314 | -38 | loo_lj | 344,033 | ||||
29315 | -38 | bella_playz7777 | 344,023 | ||||
29316 | -38 | poisons-kiss | 343,973 | ||||
29317 | +232 | rachellynn.england | 343,946 | ||||
29318 | -39 | Ninja21 | 343,908 | ||||
29319 | -39 | eblake16 | 343,903 | ||||
29320 | -39 | merder10 | 343,859 | ||||
29321 | -39 | ashritt | 343,855 | ||||
29322 | -39 | REDJR | 343,828 | ||||
29323 | -39 | jlkillian | 343,805 | ||||
29324 | -39 | laurens1029 | 343,773 | ||||
29325 | -38 | 8055 | 343,767 | ||||
29326 | -38 | haveaniceday | 343,752 | ||||
29327 | -38 | ske11Z | 343,746 | ||||
29328 | -38 | SlimSilly | 343,720 | ||||
29329 | -38 | Lrwilliams | 343,676 | ||||
29330 | -27 | Tobyana | 343,659 | ||||
29331 | -25 | Dalinea | 343,644 | ||||
29332 | -27 | kitty11 | 343,625 | ||||
29333 | -41 | Tiff4004 | 343,582 |
Player | Days | ||||||
39656 | -1 | ArianaR* | 72 | ||||
39657 | -1 | alicegrey | 72 | ||||
39658 | -1 | Cind3r3lla | 72 | ||||
39659 | -1 | horrrrrrrrses | 72 | ||||
39660 | -1 | maggiehames | 72 | ||||
39661 | -1 | zigaroo | 72 | ||||
39662 | -1 | txtsoobin | 72 | ||||
39663 | -1 | Secretariat2.0 | 72 | ||||
39664 | -1 | Day777 | 72 | ||||
39665 | -1 | jlkillian | 72 | ||||
39666 | -1 | Bri.Suz.101 | 72 | ||||
39667 | -1 | foxorts | 72 | ||||
39668 | -1 | piashorwses | 72 | ||||
39669 | -1 | Kaleb101 | 72 | ||||
39670 | -1 | Aelie | 72 | ||||
39671 | -1 | Spring Of Merth | 72 | ||||
39672 | -1 | jinxmoon | 72 | ||||
39673 | -1 | humanlemonade93 | 72 | ||||
39674 | -1 | cmg2627 | 72 | ||||
39675 | -1 | Castiel123 | 72 |