Kartina123's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 19th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
61528 | -28 | willscott | 62,454 | ||||
61529 | -28 | KittySkellington | 62,450 | ||||
61530 | -3064 | An Alien Star | 62,444 | ||||
61531 | -29 | Joeyswtixx | 62,440 | ||||
61532 | -29 | dillpickle | 62,435 | ||||
61533 | -29 | Dressage Master | 62,430 | ||||
61534 | -29 | Tokasaurus | 62,423 | ||||
61535 | -29 | Latresha | 62,423 | ||||
61536 | -29 | wolfqueen2001 | 62,420 | ||||
61537 | -28 | Kartina123 | 62,408 | ||||
61538 | -27 | Hobbit | 62,407 | ||||
61539 | -29 | kryten4213 | 62,402 | ||||
61540 | -28 | llambchops | 62,397 | ||||
61541 | -28 | sjvtmo | 62,396 | ||||
61542 | -28 | goshtotties | 62,396 | ||||
61543 | -28 | TegridyFarms420 | 62,387 | ||||
61544 | -258 | Haulpak | 62,387 | ||||
61545 | -28 | abby2 | 62,387 | ||||
61546 | -28 | Jessiann96 | 62,374 | ||||
61547 | -28 | lhos | 62,369 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
73160 | -26 | MaryRosie | 5 | ||||
73161 | -26 | MomoRadke | 5 | ||||
73162 | -26 | Randomgirl98 | 5 | ||||
73163 | -26 | wilmasalo | 5 | ||||
73164 | -26 | dragonsrule | 5 | ||||
73165 | -26 | Hsherman90 | 5 | ||||
73166 | -26 | talkingdaisy | 5 | ||||
73167 | -26 | WildstingXX | 5 | ||||
73168 | -26 | puddssoul | 5 | ||||
73169 | -26 | Kartina123 | 5 | ||||
73170 | -26 | Maddz | 5 | ||||
73171 | -26 | ElvenSeer | 5 | ||||
73172 | -26 | Velvela | 5 | ||||
73173 | -26 | spicegrlxxo | 5 | ||||
73174 | -26 | DonnaGean | 5 | ||||
73175 | -26 | SenpaiRogue | 5 | ||||
73176 | -26 | LinaK | 5 | ||||
73177 | -26 | Persephone13 | 5 | ||||
73178 | -26 | mackenzieschleb | 5 | ||||
73179 | -26 | Sarameeria | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
50208 | +7 | addictatom | 54,891 | ||||
50209 | +7 | Honey22000 | 54,888 | ||||
50210 | +7 | nuk | 54,883 | ||||
50211 | +7 | bigwill1077 | 54,873 | ||||
50212 | +7 | TheEventingHntr | 54,872 | ||||
50213 | +7 | midnightinthesky | 54,871 | ||||
50214 | +7 | Regina Phalange | 54,871 | ||||
50215 | +7 | Explosssive | 54,869 | ||||
50216 | +36 | fast_hoof_stables | 54,866 | ||||
50217 | +6 | Kartina123 | 54,866 | ||||
50218 | +6 | Bailey skill | 54,858 | ||||
50219 | +6 | Lorraineloveschoc | 54,858 | ||||
50220 | +6 | SabishiKitsune | 54,853 | ||||
50221 | +6 | Lilieae | 54,853 | ||||
50222 | +6 | Hisoapy | 54,841 | ||||
50223 | +6 | NoxNocturne | 54,835 | ||||
50224 | +6 | Ambie | 54,833 | ||||
50225 | +6 | Blackbird | 54,828 | ||||
50226 | +6 | Magistrix | 54,824 | ||||
50227 | +6 | Wyattpalmer | 54,822 |
Player | Days | ||||||
75792 | -20 | SeamStitch | 5 | ||||
75793 | -20 | DemonicAngel5972 | 5 | ||||
75794 | -20 | Seonghwa | 5 | ||||
75795 | -20 | chelsea999 | 5 | ||||
75796 | -20 | Travis-_- | 5 | ||||
75797 | -20 | saliehs99 | 5 | ||||
75798 | -20 | Velocifoxer | 5 | ||||
75799 | -20 | orowell123 | 5 | ||||
75800 | -20 | TBug44 | 5 | ||||
75801 | -20 | Kartina123 | 5 | ||||
75802 | -20 | hdknipp | 5 | ||||
75803 | -20 | eden gibson | 5 | ||||
75804 | -20 | Mr. Bubbles | 5 | ||||
75805 | -20 | bsye18 | 5 | ||||
75806 | -20 | jazzygirlheart | 5 | ||||
75807 | -20 | Thespian6341 | 5 | ||||
75808 | -20 | Breby.Daylight | 5 | ||||
75809 | -20 | cmchugh | 5 | ||||
75810 | -20 | fredtheunitorn | 5 | ||||
75811 | -20 | Gailwind2 | 5 |