Dicearoo's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
50050 | -7 | dexter | 180,572 | ||||
50051 | -6 | PercyJ | 180,552 | ||||
50052 | -6 | jasminevanmeter | 180,533 | ||||
50053 | -6 | Emberry | 180,532 | ||||
50054 | -6 | saddleseat544 | 180,524 | ||||
50055 | -6 | Fikar | 180,521 | ||||
50056 | -6 | ashleigh.robynne | 180,503 | ||||
50057 | -6 | rosebud71 | 180,499 | ||||
50058 | -6 | MIRA2004 | 180,476 | ||||
50059 | -6 | Dicearoo | 180,472 | ||||
50060 | -5 | AkiraMinazuki | 180,467 | ||||
50061 | -5 | bessiepets | 180,452 | ||||
50062 | -5 | WhiteWillowAcres | 180,450 | ||||
50063 | -5 | m0n0chr0meRB | 180,445 | ||||
50064 | -5 | SweetBeetz | 180,439 | ||||
50065 | -5 | SitThatCanter | 180,429 | ||||
50066 | -5 | Httyd321 | 180,410 | ||||
50067 | -5 | Krystalia2635 | 180,404 | ||||
50068 | -5 | Lilly83 | 180,360 | ||||
50069 | -5 | jsavage | 180,332 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
56635 | -3 | mas321 | 17 | ||||
56636 | -3 | hannah.mcilnay | 17 | ||||
56637 | -3 | Foxor | 17 | ||||
56638 | -3 | zking | 17 | ||||
56639 | -3 | Evangelinos | 17 | ||||
56640 | -3 | Rochelle | 17 | ||||
56641 | -3 | evilc123 | 17 | ||||
56642 | -3 | quartercrazy | 17 | ||||
56643 | -3 | charmer2020 | 17 | ||||
56644 | -3 | Dicearoo | 17 | ||||
56645 | -3 | habichdeinweib | 17 | ||||
56646 | -3 | BellaLove | 17 | ||||
56647 | -3 | Tlamacazton | 17 | ||||
56648 | -3 | XXXSapphireXXX | 17 | ||||
56649 | -3 | myswagsgotswag | 17 | ||||
56650 | -3 | gallop away | 17 | ||||
56651 | -3 | Howrsingaround | 17 | ||||
56652 | -3 | MrsW3sa | 17 | ||||
56653 | -3 | atochii | 17 | ||||
56654 | -3 | Dear Diary... Why? | 17 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
53912 | -1 | Moonilla | 40,020 | ||||
53913 | -1 | WeepingPiano | 40,020 | ||||
53914 | -1 | princess3597 | 40,012 | ||||
53915 | -1 | HayloMR | 40,001 | ||||
53916 | -1 | FlyHyperion | 39,998 | ||||
53917 | -1 | moodswings | 39,987 | ||||
53918 | -1 | carsons creek | 39,982 | ||||
53919 | -1 | Stephmk139 | 39,979 | ||||
53920 | -1 | sneeze | 39,977 | ||||
53921 | -1 | Dicearoo | 39,976 | ||||
53922 | -1 | Serendipity~ | 39,968 | ||||
53923 | -1 | kkswizzle23 | 39,965 | ||||
53924 | -1 | natasjagabriella | 39,960 | ||||
53925 | -1 | TimmyG123 | 39,960 | ||||
53926 | -1 | - Prinsess | 39,958 | ||||
53927 | -1 | marleykae23 | 39,958 | ||||
53928 | -1 | mekalovisa | 39,956 | ||||
53929 | -1 | rookiexxx | 39,954 | ||||
53930 | -1 | SouthernPines | 39,951 | ||||
53931 | +127 | antalixic | 39,950 |
Player | Days | ||||||
48189 | -10 | Horse_Dreams | 44 | ||||
48190 | -10 | Amethyst Gamer | 44 | ||||
48191 | -10 | Leo2021 | 44 | ||||
48192 | -10 | breta12 | 44 | ||||
48193 | -10 | garnetsngold | 44 | ||||
48194 | -10 | Ashland Farms | 44 | ||||
48195 | -10 | Lilyleader | 44 | ||||
48196 | -10 | staceylouise333 | 44 | ||||
48197 | -10 | lunareclipse | 44 | ||||
48198 | -10 | Dicearoo | 44 | ||||
48199 | -10 | liviwa | 44 | ||||
48200 | -10 | bering.sea27 | 44 | ||||
48201 | -10 | samdeper15 | 44 | ||||
48202 | -10 | Silverwoodwolf | 44 | ||||
48203 | -10 | canadianbliss | 44 | ||||
48204 | -10 | nochillzib | 44 | ||||
48205 | -10 | DINOGIRL2002 | 44 | ||||
48206 | -10 | 48jcasey | 44 | ||||
48207 | -10 | Kita145 | 44 | ||||
48208 | -10 | DexLucifer | 44 |