PJE2018's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
53664 | -12 | Lady.Llama | 129,925 | ||||
53665 | -12 | iRhaegal | 129,925 | ||||
53666 | -12 | LowanValleyFarm | 129,921 | ||||
53667 | -12 | morgansmom | 129,919 | ||||
53668 | -12 | Ticanaru | 129,917 | ||||
53669 | -12 | sobgoblin | 129,902 | ||||
53670 | -12 | Alissa578 | 129,898 | ||||
53671 | -12 | ponydelneigh | 129,885 | ||||
53672 | -12 | smbr276 | 129,870 | ||||
53673 | -12 | PJE2018 | 129,851 | ||||
53674 | -12 | KazzyKatz | 129,848 | ||||
53675 | -12 | blacki3b3auty | 129,828 | ||||
53676 | -12 | Jaina91 | 129,826 | ||||
53677 | -12 | TLRoyals | 129,823 | ||||
53678 | -12 | DracaFireclaw | 129,809 | ||||
53679 | -12 | FreeSpirited | 129,801 | ||||
53680 | -12 | CarolinaElsie | 129,784 | ||||
53681 | -12 | bbplantco | 129,782 | ||||
53682 | +647 | captain_marvel | 129,771 | ||||
53683 | -13 | KyloRen26 | 129,749 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
47843 | -7 | Tamicroft17 | 25 | ||||
47844 | -7 | mhb33 | 25 | ||||
47845 | -7 | ADDY1234 | 25 | ||||
47846 | -7 | lostdoccubus | 25 | ||||
47847 | -7 | LesboChlo | 25 | ||||
47848 | -7 | Kage | 25 | ||||
47849 | -7 | konalona | 25 | ||||
47850 | -7 | hanshotfirst | 25 | ||||
47851 | -7 | Cloodbuster | 25 | ||||
47852 | -7 | PJE2018 | 25 | ||||
47853 | -7 | eternalwind | 25 | ||||
47854 | -7 | chipchase | 25 | ||||
47855 | -7 | Sundance | 25 | ||||
47856 | -7 | Rollergirl125 | 25 | ||||
47857 | -7 | whit_678 | 25 | ||||
47858 | -7 | Horselover101 | 25 | ||||
47859 | -7 | LincolnDoor2004 | 25 | ||||
47860 | -7 | sierra13ned | 25 | ||||
47861 | -7 | LuluM | 25 | ||||
47862 | -7 | ᴇɴʏo | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
38800 | +50 | ojc411 | 150,723 | ||||
38801 | +15 | LunaRabbit | 150,711 | ||||
38802 | +15 | rissa.stokes | 150,710 | ||||
38803 | +16 | Rosey1998 | 150,706 | ||||
38804 | +16 | surespan | 150,674 | ||||
38805 | +13 | Nightbard | 150,659 | ||||
38806 | +15 | SineadSullivan | 150,653 | ||||
38807 | +15 | SSSS123456 | 150,627 | ||||
38808 | +16 | NɪɢʜᴛᴄᴏʀᴇNɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇ | 150,605 | ||||
38809 | +17 | PJE2018 | 150,583 | ||||
38810 | +18 | Courtney95 | 150,572 | ||||
38811 | +18 | Melek | 150,567 | ||||
38812 | +18 | UnderTaker00 | 150,558 | ||||
38813 | +18 | Willy Love | 150,550 | ||||
38814 | +18 | lil-wolf10 | 150,534 | ||||
38815 | +18 | TheeBeaver | 150,533 | ||||
38816 | +18 | Jemma101 | 150,499 | ||||
38817 | -1489 | Zuko | 150,462 | ||||
38818 | +17 | angelicrebel | 150,431 | ||||
38819 | +17 | Lady_Kohaku | 150,420 |
Player | Days | ||||||
47472 | -7 | Duchessana | 46 | ||||
47473 | -7 | GreenQueen | 46 | ||||
47474 | -7 | Maravar | 46 | ||||
47475 | -7 | rijo | 46 | ||||
47476 | -7 | mapleminerva | 46 | ||||
47477 | -7 | Valkryepaladin | 46 | ||||
47478 | -7 | Doveui | 46 | ||||
47479 | -7 | alexthelion | 46 | ||||
47480 | -7 | pet goat | 46 | ||||
47481 | -7 | PJE2018 | 46 | ||||
47482 | -7 | michael | 46 | ||||
47483 | -7 | nyephobic | 46 | ||||
47484 | -7 | KeKe_Luna | 46 | ||||
47485 | -7 | Koitoy | 46 | ||||
47486 | -7 | reddedwood | 46 | ||||
47487 | -7 | Jess_08 | 46 | ||||
47488 | -7 | zocarracher | 46 | ||||
47489 | -7 | Zoey123 | 46 | ||||
47490 | -7 | ivy_1 | 46 | ||||
47491 | -7 | PepperAzazel | 46 |