LJ99xox's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
56572 | -17 | wigalo | 97,182 | ||||
56573 | -17 | cowgirlshelbs | 97,164 | ||||
56574 | -17 | Abigail1000 | 97,153 | ||||
56575 | -17 | tiffany1367 | 97,131 | ||||
56576 | -17 | tuskhv2016 | 97,121 | ||||
56577 | -17 | Bayonyx33 | 97,118 | ||||
56578 | -17 | tuesday | 97,095 | ||||
56579 | -17 | gobbycow08 | 97,083 | ||||
56580 | -17 | Payten Morash | 97,063 | ||||
56581 | -17 | LJ99xox | 97,058 | ||||
56582 | -17 | asbmee | 97,050 | ||||
56583 | -17 | holidayfuntime | 97,037 | ||||
56584 | -17 | DaughterOmega | 97,036 | ||||
56585 | -17 | Rahjal | 97,027 | ||||
56586 | -17 | divimarfe | 97,015 | ||||
56587 | -17 | reenie | 96,997 | ||||
56588 | -17 | shrimp | 96,974 | ||||
56589 | -48 | The_Blue_Frog | 96,961 | ||||
56590 | -18 | milalala | 96,950 | ||||
56591 | -18 | kaelpies | 96,930 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
58336 | -11 | tunde | 15 | ||||
58337 | -11 | run like the wind | 15 | ||||
58338 | -11 | KittyKatChan | 15 | ||||
58339 | -11 | Kelsey_Nicole314 | 15 | ||||
58340 | -11 | J4CKy | 15 | ||||
58341 | -11 | anoliveful | 15 | ||||
58342 | -11 | MickeyMoo | 15 | ||||
58343 | -11 | Brynne | 15 | ||||
58344 | -11 | 20bdross | 15 | ||||
58345 | -11 | LJ99xox | 15 | ||||
58346 | -11 | Bowhuntress94 | 15 | ||||
58347 | -11 | Mystical_Ice | 15 | ||||
58348 | -11 | Xho3 | 15 | ||||
58349 | -11 | SourSovereign | 15 | ||||
58350 | -11 | BoundByHistory | 15 | ||||
58351 | -11 | hannah20211 | 15 | ||||
58352 | -11 | HorseRuler101 | 15 | ||||
58353 | -11 | ashleyylyn | 15 | ||||
58354 | -11 | cherri | 15 | ||||
58355 | -11 | DynamicDaisy | 15 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
41933 | -13 | Athena2017 | 113,206 | ||||
41934 | -13 | Zevazee | 113,206 | ||||
41935 | -13 | Twisted Wolves | 113,192 | ||||
41936 | -13 | Julia E August | 113,187 | ||||
41937 | -13 | OnceUponATime. | 113,164 | ||||
41938 | -13 | xRosebeat | 113,146 | ||||
41939 | -13 | hysteria_ | 113,146 | ||||
41940 | -13 | Wolfie158 | 113,146 | ||||
41941 | -13 | rytayskye | 113,144 | ||||
41942 | -12 | LJ99xox | 113,132 | ||||
41943 | -12 | nbro | 113,124 | ||||
41944 | -11 | ShakieraCass14 | 113,118 | ||||
41945 | -11 | liv3139 | 113,115 | ||||
41946 | -11 | aaliyahh2064 | 113,099 | ||||
41947 | -9 | mlynnfitt | 113,084 | ||||
41948 | -9 | Barnes123 | 113,081 | ||||
41949 | -9 | kmrotondo | 113,075 | ||||
41950 | -1 | sevenskiju | 113,069 | ||||
41951 | -10 | kitkat10165 | 113,052 | ||||
41952 | +110 | Frostsol | 113,050 |
Player | Days | ||||||
61098 | -10 | jgerman9015 | 15 | ||||
61099 | -10 | chocoshake | 15 | ||||
61100 | -10 | alt09 | 15 | ||||
61101 | -10 | RavenWolf7799 | 15 | ||||
61102 | -10 | SomeWhiteGirl | 15 | ||||
61103 | -10 | ajovv2002 | 15 | ||||
61104 | -10 | Katie Montgomery | 15 | ||||
61105 | -10 | Tiger45 | 15 | ||||
61106 | -10 | A.darrow | 15 | ||||
61107 | -10 | LJ99xox | 15 | ||||
61108 | -10 | annlouise96 | 15 | ||||
61109 | -10 | mandyk93 | 15 | ||||
61110 | -10 | Nekoaids | 15 | ||||
61111 | -10 | FoxeusGames | 15 | ||||
61112 | -10 | connorstef | 15 | ||||
61113 | -10 | Rasch87 | 15 | ||||
61114 | -10 | yuukimehri1768 | 15 | ||||
61115 | -10 | KAEDE | 15 | ||||
61116 | -10 | applesauce123 | 15 | ||||
61117 | -10 | xSimonDavidx | 15 |