ajovv2002's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
50647 | -14 | LawnGnome | 166,992 | ||||
50648 | -14 | hbud11 | 166,977 | ||||
50649 | -14 | Bulldog | 166,962 | ||||
50650 | -14 | KiriKatana | 166,921 | ||||
50651 | -14 | themajesticcow98 | 166,904 | ||||
50652 | -14 | Iltani | 166,890 | ||||
50653 | -14 | brenanas | 166,883 | ||||
50654 | -14 | MariBelanger01 | 166,857 | ||||
50655 | -14 | stapletonhan | 166,845 | ||||
50656 | -14 | ajovv2002 | 166,834 | ||||
50657 | -14 | xIncox | 166,828 | ||||
50658 | -14 | Wolfgang2123 | 166,821 | ||||
50659 | -14 | annabeltamara | 166,798 | ||||
50660 | -14 | Shadow_Dragon | 166,775 | ||||
50661 | -14 | Grace Eaton | 166,767 | ||||
50662 | -14 | horse+ponylover08 | 166,764 | ||||
50663 | -14 | CorruptAshes | 166,740 | ||||
50664 | -14 | jessa456 | 166,732 | ||||
50665 | -14 | Delk_23 | 166,728 | ||||
50666 | -14 | heartland80901 | 166,721 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
55984 | -12 | HunHorses | 18 | ||||
55985 | -12 | itaywer | 18 | ||||
55986 | -12 | Verdi | 18 | ||||
55987 | -12 | MyManLiam | 18 | ||||
55988 | -12 | Ahschuck | 18 | ||||
55989 | -12 | bab1530 | 18 | ||||
55990 | -12 | MaiSunk | 18 | ||||
55991 | -12 | Kryptmonster | 18 | ||||
55992 | -12 | Jaz23 | 18 | ||||
55993 | -12 | ajovv2002 | 18 | ||||
55994 | -12 | Lizabee | 18 | ||||
55995 | -12 | ImaWussy | 18 | ||||
55996 | -12 | Maravar | 18 | ||||
55997 | -12 | Exculia | 18 | ||||
55998 | -12 | DaddyFish | 18 | ||||
55999 | -12 | Rach1177 | 18 | ||||
56000 | -12 | vanellokitty | 18 | ||||
56001 | -12 | laumgaz | 18 | ||||
56002 | -12 | afonos02 | 18 | ||||
56003 | -12 | loserville01 | 18 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
56139 | -2205 | Eramos26 | 33,495 | ||||
56140 | -88 | chelsea999 | 33,495 | ||||
56141 | -88 | KaseyDee | 33,492 | ||||
56142 | -88 | Harlow West | 33,491 | ||||
56143 | -88 | sebiarenster | 33,491 | ||||
56144 | -88 | Istaroth | 33,483 | ||||
56145 | -88 | emily5545 | 33,480 | ||||
56146 | -88 | Gary | 33,480 | ||||
56147 | -88 | Sarlesa | 33,473 | ||||
56148 | -88 | ajovv2002 | 33,470 | ||||
56149 | -88 | Golden Treasure | 33,462 | ||||
56150 | -88 | nyrider | 33,462 | ||||
56151 | -88 | larsona | 33,458 | ||||
56152 | -88 | sulli1309 | 33,455 | ||||
56153 | -88 | badger_queen69 | 33,450 | ||||
56154 | -88 | skatz6996 | 33,450 | ||||
56155 | -88 | allygrace39 | 33,448 | ||||
56156 | -87 | regnbuepiken | 33,441 | ||||
56157 | -87 | secretserena59 | 33,437 | ||||
56158 | -87 | ars3mnik | 33,436 |
Player | Days | ||||||
61085 | -7 | stinafina | 15 | ||||
61086 | -7 | lily2021 | 15 | ||||
61087 | -7 | Shirlz187 | 15 | ||||
61088 | -7 | Pherrett | 15 | ||||
61089 | -7 | jgerman9015 | 15 | ||||
61090 | -7 | chocoshake | 15 | ||||
61091 | -7 | alt09 | 15 | ||||
61092 | -7 | RavenWolf7799 | 15 | ||||
61093 | -7 | SomeWhiteGirl | 15 | ||||
61094 | -7 | ajovv2002 | 15 | ||||
61095 | -7 | Katie Montgomery | 15 | ||||
61096 | -7 | Tiger45 | 15 | ||||
61097 | -7 | A.darrow | 15 | ||||
61098 | -7 | LJ99xox | 15 | ||||
61099 | -7 | annlouise96 | 15 | ||||
61100 | -7 | mandyk93 | 15 | ||||
61101 | -7 | Nekoaids | 15 | ||||
61102 | -7 | FoxeusGames | 15 | ||||
61103 | -7 | connorstef | 15 | ||||
61104 | -7 | Rasch87 | 15 |