FreakyFruit236's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
68339 | +50 | Rinnes | 30,253 | ||||
68340 | +36 | Movin' Out | 30,246 | ||||
68341 | +33 | tartarus | 30,246 | ||||
68342 | +33 | unseen_nonsense | 30,243 | ||||
68343 | +34 | Angela Grace | 30,241 | ||||
68344 | +34 | Beautay | 30,238 | ||||
68345 | +34 | kungfupanda | 30,238 | ||||
68346 | +34 | moody.uniicorn | 30,237 | ||||
68347 | +34 | .:Adrenalize:. | 30,227 | ||||
68348 | +34 | FreakyFruit236 | 30,224 | ||||
68349 | +34 | Shadowheart | 30,218 | ||||
68350 | +34 | Ellazaii | 30,214 | ||||
68351 | +35 | Akito Crescent | 30,209 | ||||
68352 | +33 | Little-Devil-Sun | 30,205 | ||||
68353 | +34 | MrsGiggleApple | 30,201 | ||||
68354 | +34 | TeaRose12 | 30,192 | ||||
68355 | +36 | Dyna Drive | 30,187 | ||||
68356 | +34 | Emerald__Stables | 30,184 | ||||
68357 | +35 | kaitydd1233!! | 30,179 | ||||
68358 | +35 | malinsjac | 30,178 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
61086 | -1 | Ashleyn256 | 12 | ||||
61087 | -1 | settings | 12 | ||||
61088 | -1 | athena54 | 12 | ||||
61089 | -1 | kerush | 12 | ||||
61090 | -1 | skyIine | 12 | ||||
61091 | -1 | Kelseyb95 | 12 | ||||
61092 | -1 | RavenOak | 12 | ||||
61093 | -1 | ashbbb | 12 | ||||
61094 | -1 | moneeeeeek | 12 | ||||
61095 | -1 | FreakyFruit236 | 12 | ||||
61096 | -1 | karebear | 12 | ||||
61097 | -1 | Nay32 | 12 | ||||
61098 | -1 | GHALA55 | 12 | ||||
61099 | -1 | Ace115 | 12 | ||||
61100 | -1 | Ohana | 12 | ||||
61101 | -1 | Christine006 | 12 | ||||
61102 | -1 | sjoy.d | 12 | ||||
61103 | -1 | skiprincess720 | 12 | ||||
61104 | -1 | LeneM95 | 12 | ||||
61105 | -1 | oldsaltydog | 12 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
64633 | -8 | emily420 | 15,009 | ||||
64634 | -8 | Mamemima | 15,008 | ||||
64635 | -8 | MidnightSun | 15,008 | ||||
64636 | -8 | Clarenteria | 15,008 | ||||
64637 | -8 | noxx | 15,004 | ||||
64638 | -8 | PaisleyPerson | 15,002 | ||||
64639 | -8 | leiagh66 | 15,001 | ||||
64640 | -8 | Sasura | 15,001 | ||||
64641 | -8 | Salin | 15,001 | ||||
64642 | -8 | FreakyFruit236 | 15,000 | ||||
64643 | +68693 | Emma Bravetalon | 14,997 | ||||
64644 | -9 | alt 50/7 | 14,993 | ||||
64645 | -6 | chaotictiefling | 14,993 | ||||
64646 | -10 | Wortel01 | 14,992 | ||||
64647 | -10 | Juxda | 14,991 | ||||
64648 | -10 | NicoleV | 14,987 | ||||
64649 | -9 | kiaras | 14,985 | ||||
64650 | -9 | MyManLiam | 14,981 | ||||
64651 | -9 | HbM2 | 14,980 | ||||
64652 | +1606 | AnnH33 | 14,979 |
Player | Days | ||||||
60372 | +1 | Bluebell20 | 16 | ||||
60373 | +1 | Enapay | 16 | ||||
60374 | +1 | Neon Skittle | 16 | ||||
60375 | +1 | Ten-Mags360 | 16 | ||||
60376 | +1 | Montanacowgirl21 | 16 | ||||
60377 | +1 | Rogue277 | 16 | ||||
60378 | +1 | kuppofjoy | 16 | ||||
60379 | +1 | hippie chick | 16 | ||||
60380 | +1 | smogle | 16 | ||||
60381 | +1 | FreakyFruit236 | 16 | ||||
60382 | +1 | Madbee | 16 | ||||
60383 | +1 | MyNameIsMoe | 16 | ||||
60384 | +1 | Wren828 | 16 | ||||
60385 | +1 | BowaterCoyote | 16 | ||||
60386 | +1 | Tango2020 | 16 | ||||
60387 | +1 | Kay98 | 16 | ||||
60388 | +1 | kladdd234 | 16 | ||||
60389 | +1 | HorseloverUK | 16 | ||||
60390 | +1 | macceymax | 16 | ||||
60391 | +1 | renfro.julia | 16 |