DeusKurama's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
58084 | -45 | Elixir | 83,920 | ||||
58085 | -45 | wisteriamoon16 | 83,918 | ||||
58086 | -45 | grumpyhawk | 83,911 | ||||
58087 | -45 | apocalypse | 83,911 | ||||
58088 | -45 | brookmay | 83,910 | ||||
58089 | -45 | Bettina Larsen | 83,903 | ||||
58090 | -45 | alyssak | 83,901 | ||||
58091 | -45 | Pegasuslover | 83,895 | ||||
58092 | -45 | Wraith99 | 83,839 | ||||
58093 | -45 | DeusKurama | 83,835 | ||||
58094 | -45 | Haxaya | 83,833 | ||||
58095 | -45 | Jlome49 | 83,820 | ||||
58096 | -45 | Soulmarie | 83,819 | ||||
58097 | -45 | ajh201 | 83,817 | ||||
58098 | -45 | Erica Simmer | 83,812 | ||||
58099 | -45 | bostonstranger | 83,807 | ||||
58100 | -44 | Tikkaleigh | 83,792 | ||||
58101 | -44 | Opalite | 83,792 | ||||
58102 | -44 | malla29 | 83,791 | ||||
58103 | -44 | Jenballszz | 83,785 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
65008 | -12 | Sans-ation | 9 | ||||
65009 | -12 | Aranel Zeya | 9 | ||||
65010 | -12 | MorningStar1001 | 9 | ||||
65011 | -12 | Crystal Autumn | 9 | ||||
65012 | -12 | kaseym | 9 | ||||
65013 | -12 | keyes09 | 9 | ||||
65014 | -12 | SatanicZ | 9 | ||||
65015 | -12 | IveyMarie | 9 | ||||
65016 | -12 | calao | 9 | ||||
65017 | -12 | DeusKurama | 9 | ||||
65018 | -12 | Ajxackt | 9 | ||||
65019 | -12 | jneusch97 | 9 | ||||
65020 | -12 | roni1357 | 9 | ||||
65021 | -12 | NightFairy | 9 | ||||
65022 | -12 | riana | 9 | ||||
65023 | -12 | ShadowSoul | 9 | ||||
65024 | -12 | jeikei | 9 | ||||
65025 | -12 | AngelGuidance | 9 | ||||
65026 | -12 | Ashywahsy | 9 | ||||
65027 | -12 | SingThyName | 9 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
63273 | -1 | bharmon34 | 17,741 | ||||
63274 | = | Everdeen | 17,737 | ||||
63275 | = | MHAT | 17,735 | ||||
63276 | = | flavoredvirgo | 17,733 | ||||
63277 | = | Nowawi | 17,732 | ||||
63278 | +1 | DrDre2017 | 17,718 | ||||
63279 | +1 | Kaida7 | 17,718 | ||||
63280 | +1 | klixir | 17,717 | ||||
63281 | +1 | lunatuna11 | 17,714 | ||||
63282 | +1 | DeusKurama | 17,713 | ||||
63283 | +1 | ncnightfall | 17,712 | ||||
63284 | +1 | caylee.spencer | 17,710 | ||||
63285 | +1 | andy | 17,707 | ||||
63286 | -8958 | k.01 | 17,706 | ||||
63287 | = | GustavoElToros1 | 17,701 | ||||
63288 | = | kally1009 | 17,699 | ||||
63289 | = | zaira | 17,695 | ||||
63290 | = | Avery2033 | 17,695 | ||||
63291 | = | thatRangaOne | 17,692 | ||||
63292 | = | HauntedUmbra | 17,692 |
Player | Days | ||||||
68652 | -12 | LunaLotus | 8 | ||||
68653 | -12 | littlefire95 | 8 | ||||
68654 | -12 | Mommiesami | 8 | ||||
68655 | -12 | Nessab39 | 8 | ||||
68656 | -12 | Schnoogs | 8 | ||||
68657 | -12 | LadyxLuck | 8 | ||||
68658 | -12 | 239pony | 8 | ||||
68659 | -12 | AMiller14 | 8 | ||||
68660 | -12 | marenostra | 8 | ||||
68661 | -12 | DeusKurama | 8 | ||||
68662 | -12 | flickajess | 8 | ||||
68663 | -12 | rstoker | 8 | ||||
68664 | -12 | elliebe93 | 8 | ||||
68665 | -12 | honey.bells | 8 | ||||
68666 | -12 | rebecca pulliam | 8 | ||||
68667 | -12 | kc_equestrian | 8 | ||||
68668 | -12 | sara21nz | 8 | ||||
68669 | -12 | Beaudom2020 | 8 | ||||
68670 | -12 | Mearhwine21 | 8 | ||||
68671 | -12 | EmilyBono2020 | 8 |