lovelessangel66's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
60016 | -55 | kylerbrady13 | 69,646 | ||||
60017 | +31066 | Piccadilly Circus | 69,635 | ||||
60018 | -56 | billy the kidd | 69,633 | ||||
60019 | -56 | NovaKia | 69,629 | ||||
60020 | -56 | bearcatta | 69,622 | ||||
60021 | -56 | gertrudeforever | 69,610 | ||||
60022 | -56 | Cotton2234 | 69,607 | ||||
60023 | -56 | paintedpalmtrees | 69,594 | ||||
60024 | -56 | Thomas_Shelby | 69,591 | ||||
60025 | -56 | lovelessangel66 | 69,588 | ||||
60026 | -56 | frsequestrian | 69,588 | ||||
60027 | -56 | WeirdBunny | 69,584 | ||||
60028 | -56 | alex2435 | 69,583 | ||||
60029 | -56 | carlinez93 | 69,578 | ||||
60030 | -56 | MercyNightRose | 69,569 | ||||
60031 | -56 | unicornlover9 | 69,569 | ||||
60032 | -56 | Teddy! | 69,563 | ||||
60033 | -56 | hayes | 69,547 | ||||
60034 | -56 | Bubblez_AJ | 69,541 | ||||
60035 | -56 | Roslynjane12 | 69,535 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
65724 | -13 | Poxerlyn | 9 | ||||
65725 | -13 | Angel_doll | 9 | ||||
65726 | -13 | smokeythecat | 9 | ||||
65727 | -13 | DemiShyy | 9 | ||||
65728 | -13 | whovian | 9 | ||||
65729 | -13 | Amy Bungay | 9 | ||||
65730 | -13 | kuwcourtni | 9 | ||||
65731 | -13 | itsfuntosayrawr | 9 | ||||
65732 | -13 | ghostyquill | 9 | ||||
65733 | -13 | lovelessangel66 | 9 | ||||
65734 | -13 | cookie cutters | 9 | ||||
65735 | -13 | laurakarooliina | 9 | ||||
65736 | -13 | n0t.sleepy | 9 | ||||
65737 | -13 | ashroo | 9 | ||||
65738 | -13 | stephrocks53 | 9 | ||||
65739 | -13 | stargaze | 9 | ||||
65740 | -13 | Fish99 | 9 | ||||
65741 | -13 | rosie13 | 9 | ||||
65742 | -13 | Andre the Giant | 9 | ||||
65743 | -13 | PoeticEdda | 9 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
40419 | -28 | lovelouise | 129,988 | ||||
40420 | -28 | starcutie | 129,981 | ||||
40421 | -27 | Hnabours7 | 129,953 | ||||
40422 | +149 | mammi | 129,950 | ||||
40423 | +504 | Mahegan | 129,936 | ||||
40424 | -29 | sassie57 | 129,926 | ||||
40425 | -2331 | Jewel | 129,886 | ||||
40426 | -28 | supkid | 129,857 | ||||
40427 | -28 | Femek | 129,853 | ||||
40428 | -28 | lovelessangel66 | 129,852 | ||||
40429 | -28 | The Crazy Greeks | 129,822 | ||||
40430 | -28 | hollharris | 129,819 | ||||
40431 | -28 | ArtfulDodger1837 | 129,815 | ||||
40432 | -28 | Amber Joy | 129,808 | ||||
40433 | -27 | LadyJR | 129,801 | ||||
40434 | -27 | Primrosegem | 129,792 | ||||
40435 | -27 | kherman71109 | 129,777 | ||||
40436 | +16 | itsachicken | 129,771 | ||||
40437 | -28 | buki21803 | 129,766 | ||||
40438 | -28 | 94cheytava | 129,761 |
Player | Days | ||||||
72362 | -1 | PunkIzzie | 6 | ||||
72363 | -1 | Fanturi | 6 | ||||
72364 | -1 | Angela Grace | 6 | ||||
72365 | -1 | ssaraflynn | 6 | ||||
72366 | -1 | pogo55 | 6 | ||||
72367 | -1 | DreamRegime6 | 6 | ||||
72368 | -1 | Ireland63x | 6 | ||||
72369 | -1 | wildroses1997 | 6 | ||||
72370 | -1 | LuandRu | 6 | ||||
72371 | -1 | lovelessangel66 | 6 | ||||
72372 | -1 | steph182 | 6 | ||||
72373 | -1 | zae | 6 | ||||
72374 | -1 | ttone | 6 | ||||
72375 | -1 | Evelynn1519 | 6 | ||||
72376 | -1 | BonnieSue | 6 | ||||
72377 | -1 | EmilyAdams | 6 | ||||
72378 | -1 | Krafish | 6 | ||||
72379 | -1 | LilMsCleo | 6 | ||||
72380 | -1 | NooNoo1178 | 6 | ||||
72381 | -1 | xToxic_Cinnamon | 6 |