crizzle's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
54886 | -15 | Sonnerroo | 113,532 | ||||
54887 | -4 | alizamoon | 113,521 | ||||
54888 | -4 | rosetea | 113,517 | ||||
54889 | -4 | MrsHastings | 113,512 | ||||
54890 | -4 | Laura288 | 113,496 | ||||
54891 | -4 | westfall | 113,496 | ||||
54892 | -4 | midgetbubbles | 113,481 | ||||
54893 | -4 | Nuclear-Weasel | 113,477 | ||||
54894 | -4 | samantha730 | 113,450 | ||||
54895 | -4 | crizzle | 113,445 | ||||
54896 | -4 | IsabellaIrene98 | 113,441 | ||||
54897 | -4 | mmoore29 | 113,432 | ||||
54898 | -4 | Exterka | 113,429 | ||||
54899 | -4 | katiepapayababy | 113,426 | ||||
54900 | -4 | karebear | 113,419 | ||||
54901 | -4 | Exculia | 113,399 | ||||
54902 | -4 | Helica | 113,395 | ||||
54903 | -4 | MadCatDraws | 113,359 | ||||
54904 | -4 | Felonara | 113,315 | ||||
54905 | -4 | MidnightAngels | 113,311 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
58759 | -3 | jgalloway00 | 15 | ||||
58760 | -3 | beckaboo93 | 15 | ||||
58761 | -3 | lovelyliz23 | 15 | ||||
58762 | -3 | ChloeMarie | 15 | ||||
58763 | -3 | Heatherml94 | 15 | ||||
58764 | -3 | Mayoeverydayo | 15 | ||||
58765 | -3 | normalisnofun | 15 | ||||
58766 | -3 | RTCrackenthorpe | 15 | ||||
58767 | -3 | Miquela714 | 15 | ||||
58768 | -3 | crizzle | 15 | ||||
58769 | -3 | wildhoots | 15 | ||||
58770 | -3 | doom-metal | 15 | ||||
58771 | -3 | Albers101 | 15 | ||||
58772 | -3 | LilacHaven | 15 | ||||
58773 | -3 | SChallinor123 | 15 | ||||
58774 | -3 | vikkitorri | 15 | ||||
58775 | -3 | BhaddBharbii | 15 | ||||
58776 | -3 | brewer09 | 15 | ||||
58777 | -3 | desnic | 15 | ||||
58778 | -3 | BmBaby6 | 15 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
56011 | +136 | Standard Deviation | 34,102 | ||||
56012 | -35 | ElementalSpirit | 34,096 | ||||
56013 | -35 | renfro.julia | 34,085 | ||||
56014 | -35 | Howrsehello | 34,073 | ||||
56015 | -35 | SilverWind8 | 34,069 | ||||
56016 | -33 | zorroninja | 34,060 | ||||
56017 | -32 | dahlado | 34,058 | ||||
56018 | -32 | cherryontophorses | 34,057 | ||||
56019 | -32 | Wheeler21 | 34,055 | ||||
56020 | -32 | crizzle | 34,051 | ||||
56021 | -32 | Bluewren88 | 34,050 | ||||
56022 | -32 | lelliellie08 | 34,047 | ||||
56023 | -32 | chao10112 | 34,047 | ||||
56024 | -32 | piebald | 34,045 | ||||
56025 | -32 | ekberg6 | 34,043 | ||||
56026 | -32 | LollyPop | 34,036 | ||||
56027 | -32 | BunniniSandwich | 34,036 | ||||
56028 | +151 | xwolfyyx | 34,027 | ||||
56029 | -33 | Phofecksssake | 34,027 | ||||
56030 | -33 | naneop | 34,026 |
Player | Days | ||||||
65796 | -71 | Shyanne | 10 | ||||
65797 | -71 | bpaulus21 | 10 | ||||
65798 | -71 | amberjade17 | 10 | ||||
65799 | -71 | Stuntynet4 | 10 | ||||
65800 | -71 | nrelyea20 | 10 | ||||
65801 | -71 | aarslev88 | 10 | ||||
65802 | -71 | VioletteForever | 10 | ||||
65803 | -71 | big.mak.daddy | 10 | ||||
65804 | -71 | Saru26 | 10 | ||||
65805 | -71 | crizzle | 10 | ||||
65806 | -71 | Siljestorøy | 10 | ||||
65807 | -71 | RondaRay | 10 | ||||
65808 | -71 | JaiBut18 | 10 | ||||
65809 | -71 | dbtb2020 | 10 | ||||
65810 | -71 | paper rings | 10 | ||||
65811 | -71 | Ginger.Nerd | 10 | ||||
65812 | -71 | LucSad1 | 10 | ||||
65813 | -71 | Jesu | 10 | ||||
65814 | -71 | HannahPanda | 10 | ||||
65815 | -71 | Ohh.K.99 | 10 |