Heartland0807's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
25744 | -15 | sugarqueen | 490,607 | ||||
25745 | +24 | Dezmew | 490,589 | ||||
25746 | -12 | MoosenBasil | 490,588 | ||||
25747 | -17 | DoggieIsMe | 490,550 | ||||
25748 | -17 | Lozzac | 490,545 | ||||
25749 | -17 | ivey16466 | 490,530 | ||||
25750 | -17 | xoxo100xoxo | 490,521 | ||||
25751 | -16 | KCAlex | 490,487 | ||||
25752 | -16 | LokiWolfbane | 490,412 | ||||
25753 | -16 | Heartland0807 | 490,399 | ||||
25754 | -16 | Denisa971 | 490,392 | ||||
25755 | -16 | Myra_1849 | 490,315 | ||||
25756 | -16 | Bantam | 490,300 | ||||
25757 | -16 | Karta | 490,290 | ||||
25758 | -16 | Chromacide | 490,288 | ||||
25759 | -16 | Darkmidnight656$ | 490,273 | ||||
25760 | -16 | Purpleroses4me | 490,197 | ||||
25761 | -16 | kmbeck1957 | 490,186 | ||||
25762 | -16 | snoopylikesangle | 490,181 | ||||
25763 | -16 | Oceanix | 490,179 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
37847 | -4 | AmberVos | 35 | ||||
37848 | -4 | reeses101 | 35 | ||||
37849 | -4 | CrazyGurl | 35 | ||||
37850 | -4 | abbyskane1 | 35 | ||||
37851 | -4 | Affixe | 35 | ||||
37852 | -4 | aniapw | 35 | ||||
37853 | -4 | Girliegottafatty | 35 | ||||
37854 | -4 | FoxGaming | 35 | ||||
37855 | -4 | Thunder Fast | 35 | ||||
37856 | -4 | Heartland0807 | 35 | ||||
37857 | -4 | Kamili | 35 | ||||
37858 | -4 | ZincFlower | 35 | ||||
37859 | -4 | CowGirlz1998 | 35 | ||||
37860 | -4 | StarrySerenade | 35 | ||||
37861 | -4 | erin247 | 35 | ||||
37862 | -4 | Poler2019 | 35 | ||||
37863 | -4 | Haures.Wolf.2005 | 35 | ||||
37864 | -4 | p0ptabzzz | 35 | ||||
37865 | -4 | FireBOY | 35 | ||||
37866 | -4 | hays4horses25 | 35 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
31931 | -23 | Tula_98 | 268,394 | ||||
31932 | -23 | mirandom | 268,374 | ||||
31933 | -23 | otisrocks1 | 268,316 | ||||
31934 | -4 | PyrosRose | 268,244 | ||||
31935 | -24 | wild06 | 268,233 | ||||
31936 | -24 | pvough | 268,203 | ||||
31937 | -24 | GreenBeanThing | 268,185 | ||||
31938 | -4 | kakala8 | 268,157 | ||||
31939 | -24 | No name . | 268,100 | ||||
31940 | -23 | Heartland0807 | 268,084 | ||||
31941 | -22 | pinkflamingo | 268,002 | ||||
31942 | -22 | L$torie5 | 267,997 | ||||
31943 | +64 | m.zefo23 | 267,992 | ||||
31944 | +152 | Lydzlau | 267,956 | ||||
31945 | -24 | emmarollison | 267,940 | ||||
31946 | -24 | Mschum | 267,928 | ||||
31947 | -24 | Moonwolf | 267,912 | ||||
31948 | +15942 | Jenluvschris | 267,896 | ||||
31949 | -24 | peach95 | 267,840 | ||||
31950 | -5 | cajunlady | 267,820 |
Player | Days | ||||||
42477 | -11 | divarox258 | 60 | ||||
42478 | -11 | katiepapayababy | 60 | ||||
42479 | -11 | puppypunk | 60 | ||||
42480 | -11 | TAKΣ A CHANCΣ | 60 | ||||
42481 | -11 | Queen00 | 60 | ||||
42482 | -11 | fappie | 60 | ||||
42483 | -11 | SpaceStations | 60 | ||||
42484 | -11 | j752 | 60 | ||||
42485 | -11 | swelsh177 | 60 | ||||
42486 | -11 | Heartland0807 | 60 | ||||
42487 | -11 | serenaj | 60 | ||||
42488 | -11 | thegabbyward | 60 | ||||
42489 | -11 | michelleperry994 | 60 | ||||
42490 | -11 | kcontakos | 60 | ||||
42491 | -11 | Kodiak98 | 60 | ||||
42492 | -11 | Kayturtle | 60 | ||||
42493 | -11 | savagegirafffe | 60 | ||||
42494 | -11 | 8SHLEY | 60 | ||||
42495 | -11 | Trennium | 60 | ||||
42496 | -11 | folklor | 60 |