CelticLord2012's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
67446 | -41 | Esmeray_Potter | 33,475 | ||||
67447 | -40 | Eclipse Flame | 33,472 | ||||
67448 | -42 | TonyJ | 33,470 | ||||
67449 | -41 | cheesus | 33,465 | ||||
67450 | -41 | hubiewife95 | 33,465 | ||||
67451 | -41 | chaose | 33,464 | ||||
67452 | -41 | pidge21 | 33,453 | ||||
67453 | -41 | paathx | 33,451 | ||||
67454 | -41 | Gabssggs | 33,450 | ||||
67455 | -40 | CelticLord2012 | 33,443 | ||||
67456 | -40 | Montae24 | 33,439 | ||||
67457 | -40 | Yuzu | 33,438 | ||||
67458 | -40 | shaquandao94 | 33,436 | ||||
67459 | -40 | Dearbháil | 33,432 | ||||
67460 | -40 | Anzku | 33,428 | ||||
67461 | -40 | TheMissingCookie | 33,427 | ||||
67462 | -40 | Siobhan7854 | 33,425 | ||||
67463 | -40 | lilyMemmett | 33,418 | ||||
67464 | -40 | stableThyme | 33,414 | ||||
67465 | -40 | Bella0413 | 33,412 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
100410 | -49 | kesandra | 3 | ||||
100411 | -49 | kvrett | 3 | ||||
100412 | -49 | Mesi Tusi | 3 | ||||
100413 | -49 | bgalluzzo23 | 3 | ||||
100414 | -49 | MamaDomingue2 | 3 | ||||
100415 | -49 | tiaallnutt | 3 | ||||
100416 | -49 | VictoriaWhiteheart | 3 | ||||
100417 | -49 | Eliza_Willsea | 3 | ||||
100418 | -49 | Odetograce | 3 | ||||
100419 | -49 | CelticLord2012 | 3 | ||||
100420 | -49 | MiraRae | 3 | ||||
100421 | -49 | Tanika | 3 | ||||
100422 | -49 | cherry-bay22 | 3 | ||||
100423 | -49 | anita1333 | 3 | ||||
100424 | -49 | silversiren420 | 3 | ||||
100425 | -49 | Serendipity~ | 3 | ||||
100426 | -49 | Riahrush | 3 | ||||
100427 | -49 | MissHilly0701 | 3 | ||||
100428 | -49 | LifeSaver | 3 | ||||
100429 | -49 | Dovaqueen | 3 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
62267 | -36 | Silver Medal Prize | 20,044 | ||||
62268 | -36 | Lorelei9789 | 20,044 | ||||
62269 | -36 | Blossy12345678910 | 20,041 | ||||
62270 | -35 | MrsChivrell4 | 20,040 | ||||
62271 | -35 | KrissyNicole | 20,039 | ||||
62272 | -35 | horselover00 | 20,037 | ||||
62273 | -35 | BadIllusions | 20,037 | ||||
62274 | -35 | mframsey208921 | 20,031 | ||||
62275 | -35 | EndlessCrusade | 20,023 | ||||
62276 | -35 | CelticLord2012 | 20,020 | ||||
62277 | -35 | Thresh | 20,018 | ||||
62278 | -34 | Ducky505 | 20,014 | ||||
62279 | -8464 | Pay | 20,011 | ||||
62280 | -34 | hippycrickett | 20,009 | ||||
62281 | -33 | detectiveplantlady | 20,008 | ||||
62282 | -33 | molly_h1207 | 20,007 | ||||
62283 | -33 | kyliee3635 | 20,006 | ||||
62284 | -33 | SHunzeker | 20,006 | ||||
62285 | -33 | sampan | 20,001 | ||||
62286 | -33 | Celestia | 19,999 |
Player | Days | ||||||
74897 | -14 | Lilac | 5 | ||||
74898 | -14 | appyfoot | 5 | ||||
74899 | -14 | Shyannenaiilo | 5 | ||||
74900 | -14 | knee | 5 | ||||
74901 | -14 | Ariah | 5 | ||||
74902 | -14 | Heleanagirl | 5 | ||||
74903 | -14 | jessica | 5 | ||||
74904 | -14 | CLesch1234 | 5 | ||||
74905 | -14 | bgalluzzo23 | 5 | ||||
74906 | -14 | CelticLord2012 | 5 | ||||
74907 | -14 | kirahnx | 5 | ||||
74908 | -14 | Sashawolf | 5 | ||||
74909 | -14 | Sigrun512 | 5 | ||||
74910 | -14 | happybluedog17 | 5 | ||||
74911 | -14 | csch | 5 | ||||
74912 | -14 | YasDV | 5 | ||||
74913 | -14 | evslan98 | 5 | ||||
74914 | -14 | vkirkla1 | 5 | ||||
74915 | -14 | MaggiC | 5 | ||||
74916 | -14 | avamase0816 | 5 |