calvalvo's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 17th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1039 | +16 | Arabreiner98 | 12,523,125 | ||||
1040 | = | kiragm123 | 12,521,935 | ||||
1041 | -14 | Spicy | 12,513,595 | ||||
1042 | -1 | adelberg | 12,509,409 | ||||
1043 | -1 | Maddy Hunter | 12,502,038 | ||||
1044 | -1 | merlinandcherry567 | 12,497,647 | ||||
1045 | = | Dreadnought | 12,495,948 | ||||
1046 | -2 | Cally25 | 12,494,981 | ||||
1047 | -1 | DojoBanana | 12,481,689 | ||||
1048 | -1 | calvalvo | 12,478,482 | ||||
1049 | -1 | mooseymoo | 12,436,080 | ||||
1050 | = | sjg | 12,405,622 | ||||
1051 | -2 | tigrelily | 12,405,364 | ||||
1052 | -1 | The Crying Raven | 12,384,097 | ||||
1053 | -1 | Kris Slyfox | 12,373,133 | ||||
1054 | = | Deathwing | 12,368,003 | ||||
1055 | -2 | awest | 12,364,818 | ||||
1056 | +6 | Sanka | 12,363,627 | ||||
1057 | -1 | kaylabug5 | 12,287,523 | ||||
1058 | -1 | qwerty9air | 12,275,815 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1804 | -3 | Memento | 201 | ||||
1805 | -3 | Şคltฯ rคt ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ | 201 | ||||
1806 | -3 | Keyleth | 200 | ||||
1807 | -3 | jonas | 200 | ||||
1808 | -3 | Emma1979 | 200 | ||||
1809 | -3 | ShadowOfFreya | 200 | ||||
1810 | -3 | Talluluh | 200 | ||||
1811 | -3 | jjjmb | 200 | ||||
1812 | -3 | The Legacy | 200 | ||||
1813 | -3 | calvalvo | 200 | ||||
1814 | -3 | dani♡leigh | 200 | ||||
1815 | -3 | TheAlchemist | 200 | ||||
1816 | -2 | misfitprincess | 200 | ||||
1817 | -2 | Escaslib | 200 | ||||
1818 | -2 | Windy's Mom | 200 | ||||
1819 | -1 | True Blue 2 | 200 | ||||
1820 | -1 | Sumbi | 200 | ||||
1821 | -1 | xAlexMT | 200 | ||||
1822 | -1 | | 200 | ||||
1823 | -1 | ~Ghost Out~ | 200 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7987 | +10 | Codegreen23 | 3,509,627 | ||||
7988 | +10 | rag_doll | 3,509,522 | ||||
7989 | +15 | ashvic95 | 3,507,043 | ||||
7990 | +12 | Juliamtj | 3,506,763 | ||||
7991 | +12 | Butterfly95 | 3,506,548 | ||||
7992 | +16 | Snowdreamer | 3,505,004 | ||||
7993 | +554 | blackpickles | 3,504,772 | ||||
7994 | +149 | Lilyanne | 3,504,559 | ||||
7995 | +11 | Majolica | 3,504,278 | ||||
7996 | +11 | calvalvo | 3,503,887 | ||||
7997 | +16 | pansyana | 3,503,195 | ||||
7998 | +11 | B0N3BAB3 | 3,502,927 | ||||
7999 | -27 | dahr666 | 3,502,699 | ||||
8000 | +11 | AJT267 | 3,502,660 | ||||
8001 | -5 | 5252nike | 3,502,591 | ||||
8002 | +10 | soki | 3,502,120 | ||||
8003 | +15 | Marie234 | 3,501,298 | ||||
8004 | +10 | Tait101 | 3,500,517 | ||||
8005 | +281 | mob2098 | 3,500,428 | ||||
8006 | +9 | gabriellareneex | 3,500,291 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6607 | -2 | atarina | 1,438 | ||||
6608 | -2 | warriors121 | 1,438 | ||||
6609 | -2 | diamie79 | 1,438 | ||||
6610 | -1 | corellamn | 1,438 | ||||
6611 | = | Nimbus 2000 | 1,438 | ||||
6612 | = | SSDD | 1,437 | ||||
6613 | = | rstanfield1 | 1,437 | ||||
6614 | = | BellaBae830 | 1,437 | ||||
6615 | = | Niko- | 1,437 | ||||
6616 | +5 | calvalvo | 1,437 | ||||
6617 | +5 | mblansett | 1,437 | ||||
6618 | +5 | StephanieWaffle | 1,437 | ||||
6619 | +5 | Ashleyrox | 1,436 | ||||
6620 | -4 | Storm1000 | 1,436 | ||||
6621 | -4 | ponypals4ever | 1,436 | ||||
6622 | -4 | aphrodite_slayer | 1,436 | ||||
6623 | -4 | Victorious28 | 1,436 | ||||
6624 | +6 | Kapri | 1,436 | ||||
6625 | -5 | petiterose | 1,436 | ||||
6626 | +5 | fawnicorn | 1,436 |