Amane's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
43263 | -25 | sh4tteredglass | 215,855 | ||||
43264 | -25 | BADWOLF | 215,852 | ||||
43265 | -24 | hma16101 | 215,839 | ||||
43266 | -24 | jumpingfever123 | 215,828 | ||||
43267 | -24 | tayinator | 215,828 | ||||
43268 | -24 | Wildhaven | 215,806 | ||||
43269 | -24 | youreverydayrabbit | 215,805 | ||||
43270 | -24 | locumdo | 215,781 | ||||
43271 | -24 | ᴛɪɴᴋᴇʀ | 215,771 | ||||
43272 | -24 | Amane | 215,766 | ||||
43273 | -24 | Claire bjork | 215,754 | ||||
43274 | -24 | jarvis2017 | 215,744 | ||||
43275 | -9 | Taz_taylor13 | 215,736 | ||||
43276 | -332 | ArtificialLuminary | 215,733 | ||||
43277 | -25 | CosmicIsLost | 215,728 | ||||
43278 | -25 | Mumatio | 215,725 | ||||
43279 | -25 | mindfogger | 215,725 | ||||
43280 | -25 | JiYoung | 215,722 | ||||
43281 | -24 | Eliotte | 215,709 | ||||
43282 | -17 | skarlath | 215,704 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
53462 | -17 | Butler.nikki | 20 | ||||
53463 | -17 | pregouuws | 20 | ||||
53464 | -17 | gennibear | 20 | ||||
53465 | +930 | selmih | 20 | ||||
53466 | -18 | daddy | 20 | ||||
53467 | -18 | Tornadoo | 20 | ||||
53468 | -18 | Xyliae | 20 | ||||
53469 | -18 | raika | 20 | ||||
53470 | -17 | Hippycrickett | 20 | ||||
53471 | -17 | Amane | 20 | ||||
53472 | -16 | George Hobbelar | 20 | ||||
53473 | -16 | ARAYOFSUN35 | 20 | ||||
53474 | -16 | Lyna | 20 | ||||
53475 | -16 | MayMayUuU_1 | 20 | ||||
53476 | -16 | Rubiton | 20 | ||||
53477 | -16 | abigaillindley29 | 20 | ||||
53478 | -16 | Viking Ruler | 20 | ||||
53479 | -16 | rocki | 20 | ||||
53480 | -16 | gannom | 20 | ||||
53481 | -16 | raynbow | 20 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
68150 | -68 | Hsells20 | 9,377 | ||||
68151 | -68 | mandariini | 9,375 | ||||
68152 | -68 | lotta67 | 9,373 | ||||
68153 | -68 | Robcolbie | 9,373 | ||||
68154 | -68 | L0ptr | 9,370 | ||||
68155 | -68 | vozy | 9,369 | ||||
68156 | -68 | bhureshma | 9,369 | ||||
68157 | -68 | Pawcake | 9,368 | ||||
68158 | -68 | oliviapickle13 | 9,364 | ||||
68159 | -68 | Amane | 9,362 | ||||
68160 | -68 | Cookie J | 9,362 | ||||
68161 | -68 | Jean Betine | 9,361 | ||||
68162 | -68 | martibartu | 9,361 | ||||
68163 | -68 | Sathrael | 9,359 | ||||
68164 | -68 | anarchybby | 9,358 | ||||
68165 | -68 | Vivi.y22 | 9,357 | ||||
68166 | -68 | HeavensGallop | 9,357 | ||||
68167 | -68 | Ceropu982 | 9,356 | ||||
68168 | -68 | alt09 | 9,356 | ||||
68169 | -68 | SatanicUnicorn | 9,354 |
Player | Days | ||||||
52400 | = | Falleto | 32 | ||||
52401 | = | Olivia Fletcher | 32 | ||||
52402 | = | ApexPH9039 | 32 | ||||
52403 | = | hjequine12 | 32 | ||||
52404 | = | gmariag | 32 | ||||
52405 | = | Rach2020 | 32 | ||||
52406 | = | Gabrielle | 32 | ||||
52407 | = | Johny Ca$h | 32 | ||||
52408 | = | ancailinfion | 32 | ||||
52409 | = | Amane | 32 | ||||
52410 | = | Delia1 | 32 | ||||
52411 | = | Illoow13 | 32 | ||||
52412 | = | Curtis96 | 32 | ||||
52413 | = | ebrowniie | 32 | ||||
52414 | = | merrmalon1 | 32 | ||||
52415 | = | xBatcat | 32 | ||||
52416 | = | ash20 | 32 | ||||
52417 | = | CharlotteGee01 | 32 | ||||
52418 | = | motisa | 32 | ||||
52419 | = | jesscdh | 32 |