sofiacruciani's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 11th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
56061 | -37 | RainbowRider3 | 102,853 | ||||
56062 | -37 | chloeejones | 102,849 | ||||
56063 | -37 | AylaZip | 102,840 | ||||
56064 | -37 | BarrelSky570 | 102,803 | ||||
56065 | -37 | jabeni360 | 102,794 | ||||
56066 | -37 | jlk9 | 102,762 | ||||
56067 | -37 | Elephantae11$ | 102,741 | ||||
56068 | -37 | BlackPhoenix777 | 102,734 | ||||
56069 | -37 | KelpieGirl | 102,693 | ||||
56070 | -37 | sofiacruciani | 102,691 | ||||
56071 | -37 | mariellind | 102,691 | ||||
56072 | -37 | amirakeller | 102,689 | ||||
56073 | -37 | PoonMaster | 102,687 | ||||
56074 | -37 | Bsutto | 102,669 | ||||
56075 | -37 | arenae13 | 102,647 | ||||
56076 | -37 | Blueskysavage | 102,647 | ||||
56077 | -37 | BabyBeans | 102,643 | ||||
56078 | -37 | bucket11 | 102,633 | ||||
56079 | -37 | Topfob2 | 102,625 | ||||
56080 | -37 | Marimeya | 102,599 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
45117 | -10 | BadIllusions | 28 | ||||
45118 | -10 | sophina | 28 | ||||
45119 | -10 | KTagg0630 | 28 | ||||
45120 | -10 | Jessparks | 28 | ||||
45121 | -10 | HighOnHistory | 28 | ||||
45122 | -10 | FalconWind | 28 | ||||
45123 | -10 | verhoeven | 28 | ||||
45124 | -10 | candypopdrop | 28 | ||||
45125 | -10 | kweber01 | 28 | ||||
45126 | -10 | sofiacruciani | 28 | ||||
45127 | -10 | abhell | 28 | ||||
45128 | -10 | bockwit123 | 28 | ||||
45129 | -10 | horrorhorse | 28 | ||||
45130 | -10 | jessa456 | 28 | ||||
45131 | -10 | kalihorses101 | 28 | ||||
45132 | -10 | crazyperson102 | 28 | ||||
45133 | -10 | Leaping Dolphin | 28 | ||||
45134 | -10 | Goat 2191 | 28 | ||||
45135 | -10 | oripartush1 | 28 | ||||
45136 | -10 | agrace16 | 28 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
42783 | +35 | Dastis | 105,997 | ||||
42784 | +10432 | LavenderPosie | 105,994 | ||||
42785 | +34 | Pleiades | 105,994 | ||||
42786 | +34 | Epiphanii | 105,993 | ||||
42787 | +34 | Woodridge Stud | 105,985 | ||||
42788 | +34 | channybananny | 105,977 | ||||
42789 | +34 | Apageo | 105,961 | ||||
42790 | +34 | Tncrazy97 | 105,956 | ||||
42791 | +34 | DarkGoddess783 | 105,939 | ||||
42792 | +34 | sofiacruciani | 105,934 | ||||
42793 | +34 | agt512 | 105,931 | ||||
42794 | +34 | valerieg | 105,926 | ||||
42795 | +34 | Sianiss2 | 105,904 | ||||
42796 | +34 | acsm57 | 105,904 | ||||
42797 | -1107 | ksproctor3 | 105,904 | ||||
42798 | +33 | sixbirdsinacoat | 105,891 | ||||
42799 | +33 | amiek | 105,888 | ||||
42800 | +1456 | manoune4u | 105,885 | ||||
42801 | +32 | FriendlyPrism | 105,879 | ||||
42802 | +32 | Grizzly98 | 105,877 |
Player | Days | ||||||
49445 | -9 | easene | 40 | ||||
49446 | -9 | lilla_29 | 40 | ||||
49447 | -9 | WyvernsHeart | 40 | ||||
49448 | -9 | Caleigh Morgan | 40 | ||||
49449 | -9 | nakota11 | 40 | ||||
49450 | -9 | Wendy_Walker2 | 40 | ||||
49451 | -9 | musicamy8 | 40 | ||||
49452 | -9 | Clariss_Rose | 40 | ||||
49453 | -9 | Nicole Hughes | 40 | ||||
49454 | -9 | sofiacruciani | 40 | ||||
49455 | -9 | Kourtt96 | 40 | ||||
49456 | -9 | Mabley | 40 | ||||
49457 | -9 | winged elderling | 40 | ||||
49458 | -9 | cjyat | 40 | ||||
49459 | -9 | XxXFamineXxX | 40 | ||||
49460 | -9 | KSTONE | 40 | ||||
49461 | -9 | prettyhey | 40 | ||||
49462 | -9 | haydee | 40 | ||||
49463 | -9 | jasmine01 | 40 | ||||
49464 | -9 | Indigo11 | 40 |