thejules990's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
18537 | -6 | lena71 | 756,098 | ||||
18538 | -6 | Black.Knight | 756,066 | ||||
18539 | -6 | Swoodcg339 | 755,980 | ||||
18540 | -6 | BLUEDOG221 | 755,969 | ||||
18541 | -6 | kai.giff11 | 755,895 | ||||
18542 | -6 | lageman3l | 755,840 | ||||
18543 | -5 | Anna Caylen | 755,813 | ||||
18544 | -5 | cosmiclovecat | 755,795 | ||||
18545 | -5 | Vlada272727 | 755,785 | ||||
18546 | -5 | thejules990 | 755,747 | ||||
18547 | -5 | gravydog | 755,735 | ||||
18548 | -5 | drthunder | 755,732 | ||||
18549 | -5 | Snaps | 755,696 | ||||
18550 | -5 | Penmaric | 755,590 | ||||
18551 | -5 | Geminidragon233 | 755,580 | ||||
18552 | -5 | M1rik | 755,563 | ||||
18553 | -5 | aruszkow | 755,492 | ||||
18554 | -5 | Gazardiel | 755,480 | ||||
18555 | -5 | njok | 755,401 | ||||
18556 | -3 | tinkarabinki | 755,240 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
41822 | -8 | spirit132 | 31 | ||||
41823 | -8 | ophelialune | 31 | ||||
41824 | -8 | HorseLover12! | 31 | ||||
41825 | -8 | gabriellechoiniere | 31 | ||||
41826 | -8 | Kateven_official | 31 | ||||
41827 | -8 | TheSweetClover95 | 31 | ||||
41828 | -8 | BBBBNicholas | 31 | ||||
41829 | -8 | SnapDragon | 31 | ||||
41830 | -8 | bugbugbug | 31 | ||||
41831 | -8 | thejules990 | 31 | ||||
41832 | -8 | Lucid_Ghoul | 31 | ||||
41833 | -8 | lianear | 31 | ||||
41834 | -8 | JackieL | 31 | ||||
41835 | -8 | noxy77 | 31 | ||||
41836 | -8 | Flower | 31 | ||||
41837 | -8 | Ginger-wolf | 31 | ||||
41838 | -8 | KLemon | 31 | ||||
41839 | -8 | CHorse07 | 31 | ||||
41840 | -8 | MollyLou | 31 | ||||
41841 | -8 | andrea1008 | 31 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
49446 | +13 | LizzBugg98 | 58,235 | ||||
49447 | +14 | Tozzi | 58,233 | ||||
49448 | +15 | avagreenheart | 58,218 | ||||
49449 | +15 | horstastic | 58,211 | ||||
49450 | +15 | joebretz211gmail | 58,210 | ||||
49451 | +16 | AhoyNecko | 58,204 | ||||
49452 | +16 | ElvIs | 58,184 | ||||
49453 | +16 | fruitstreet | 58,181 | ||||
49454 | +16 | howrserules112 | 58,176 | ||||
49455 | +16 | thejules990 | 58,168 | ||||
49456 | +16 | Cocoãbean | 58,160 | ||||
49457 | +16 | ashleybergie | 58,154 | ||||
49458 | +140 | LittleHareOfHell | 58,153 | ||||
49459 | +15 | toughshiitcharlie | 58,146 | ||||
49460 | +15 | ky19 | 58,139 | ||||
49461 | +30 | higherplane | 58,136 | ||||
49462 | +14 | DeMiGoD | 58,131 | ||||
49463 | +14 | sma4576 | 58,128 | ||||
49464 | +14 | Alliymachit | 58,116 | ||||
49465 | +14 | Rosie2008 | 58,112 |
Player | Days | ||||||
43263 | -35 | I_Luv_Sheehan+Doc | 60 | ||||
43264 | -35 | TREUE | 60 | ||||
43265 | -35 | Jaz23 | 60 | ||||
43266 | -35 | jxlia_x | 60 | ||||
43267 | -35 | DellM | 60 | ||||
43268 | -35 | Boma4life | 60 | ||||
43269 | -35 | bokchoii | 60 | ||||
43270 | -35 | angelicahyles | 60 | ||||
43271 | -35 | theodora13 | 60 | ||||
43272 | -35 | thejules990 | 60 | ||||
43273 | -35 | Vasilina | 60 | ||||
43274 | -35 | Raven7753 | 60 | ||||
43275 | -35 | Maris Academy | 60 | ||||
43276 | -35 | divarox258 | 60 | ||||
43277 | -35 | katiepapayababy | 60 | ||||
43278 | -35 | puppypunk | 60 | ||||
43279 | -35 | TAKΣ A CHANCΣ | 60 | ||||
43280 | -35 | Queen00 | 60 | ||||
43281 | -35 | fappie | 60 | ||||
43282 | -35 | SpaceStations | 60 |