LouCrz's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
16925 | -15 | akira | 832,222 | ||||
16926 | -15 | Spitfire Ace | 832,083 | ||||
16927 | -15 | jesh2278 | 832,070 | ||||
16928 | -14 | Panana | 831,915 | ||||
16929 | -14 | AdeleMaivel1 | 831,770 | ||||
16930 | -14 | jessisbest | 831,513 | ||||
16931 | -12 | xMagnetarx | 831,389 | ||||
16932 | -12 | vicky12121234 | 831,381 | ||||
16933 | -12 | shrekluvr69 | 831,379 | ||||
16934 | -11 | LouCrz | 831,263 | ||||
16935 | -11 | sarah1570 | 831,122 | ||||
16936 | -11 | Haicr | 831,045 | ||||
16937 | -11 | WildPonyGal | 831,038 | ||||
16938 | -11 | HelenaAshtray | 831,008 | ||||
16939 | -11 | karlib | 830,995 | ||||
16940 | -10 | gi17 | 830,919 | ||||
16941 | -10 | vibee175 | 830,749 | ||||
16942 | -10 | Moes888 | 830,697 | ||||
16943 | -10 | the-harbinger | 830,687 | ||||
16944 | -10 | NightshadeBlaize | 830,637 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
31562 | -11 | Luna2105 | 42 | ||||
31563 | -11 | Solar Eclipse 2020 | 42 | ||||
31564 | -11 | Cait1448 | 42 | ||||
31565 | -11 | AkaiRyuu0907 | 42 | ||||
31566 | +884 | KitKat06 | 42 | ||||
31567 | -12 | lildarkage | 42 | ||||
31568 | -12 | Kokmuiza | 42 | ||||
31569 | -12 | Hope147 | 42 | ||||
31570 | -12 | Hemlock | 42 | ||||
31571 | -12 | LouCrz | 42 | ||||
31572 | -12 | Mackenze_Culter | 42 | ||||
31573 | -12 | gevaudyn | 42 | ||||
31574 | -12 | TakeMyShot | 42 | ||||
31575 | -12 | SpookyTea01 | 42 | ||||
31576 | -12 | honeybee24 | 42 | ||||
31577 | -12 | lillianbeth | 42 | ||||
31578 | -12 | Granit | 42 | ||||
31579 | -12 | apples | 42 | ||||
31580 | -12 | beaudine1995 | 42 | ||||
31581 | -12 | girlie0981 | 42 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
22606 | -112 | GetterDone | 608,113 | ||||
22607 | -112 | BarbieBratz | 608,097 | ||||
22608 | -112 | AndyMarie.R | 608,092 | ||||
22609 | -98 | LenEkkreth | 608,067 | ||||
22610 | -107 | Corvidaemon | 608,014 | ||||
22611 | -113 | peanut.com | 608,001 | ||||
22612 | -110 | redmoon12 | 607,944 | ||||
22613 | -108 | demitrao80 | 607,920 | ||||
22614 | -110 | nrbkak | 607,888 | ||||
22615 | -116 | LouCrz | 607,877 | ||||
22616 | -110 | Raiini | 607,800 | ||||
22617 | -103 | ArtificialHero | 607,623 | ||||
22618 | -110 | aniapw | 607,619 | ||||
22619 | -109 | Chewie | 607,507 | ||||
22620 | -102 | mazdaenv | 607,406 | ||||
22621 | -106 | Whatevers_ | 607,269 | ||||
22622 | +47480 | shaolimy | 607,259 | ||||
22623 | -1433 | AlyssPSweets | 607,105 | ||||
22624 | -108 | emolee96 | 607,046 | ||||
22625 | -78 | Angel Of Purity | 607,014 |
Player | Days | ||||||
40494 | -17 | spfprincess | 68 | ||||
40495 | -17 | Alica13 | 68 | ||||
40496 | -17 | cowgirlup94 | 68 | ||||
40497 | -17 | GBQ Ranch | 68 | ||||
40498 | -17 | Smiles_hamliton | 68 | ||||
40499 | -17 | Shurla | 68 | ||||
40500 | -17 | Quetzelpretzel | 68 | ||||
40501 | -17 | magnifique | 68 | ||||
40502 | -17 | CambriaRose | 68 | ||||
40503 | -17 | LouCrz | 68 | ||||
40504 | -17 | jivd13 | 68 | ||||
40505 | -17 | sarahcatherine95 | 68 | ||||
40506 | -17 | Heartmare | 68 | ||||
40507 | -17 | rosestables | 68 | ||||
40508 | -17 | DameBrecheliant | 68 | ||||
40509 | -17 | georgiap2508 | 68 | ||||
40510 | -17 | fwiibz | 68 | ||||
40511 | -17 | claireeee | 68 | ||||
40512 | -17 | sunshine11 | 68 | ||||
40513 | +225 | taavetti | 68 |