Squidlet's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
55902 | -15 | Ghotte | 105,193 | ||||
55903 | -15 | Lkt2.0 | 105,185 | ||||
55904 | -15 | rainyinthecity | 105,178 | ||||
55905 | +292 | Shadowfax2022 | 105,158 | ||||
55906 | -16 | SSSS123456 | 105,147 | ||||
55907 | -16 | almagreen | 105,144 | ||||
55908 | -16 | Maikii0_0 | 105,125 | ||||
55909 | -16 | RubyLuvsU | 105,121 | ||||
55910 | -16 | .Tabby.Terror. | 105,114 | ||||
55911 | -16 | Squidlet | 105,105 | ||||
55912 | -16 | GreatRacehorses28 | 105,101 | ||||
55913 | -16 | nexie | 105,093 | ||||
55914 | -16 | becky23 | 105,085 | ||||
55915 | -16 | Koniki28 | 105,084 | ||||
55916 | -16 | jamie3453 | 105,062 | ||||
55917 | -16 | Jemima Evans | 105,048 | ||||
55918 | -16 | Kita145 | 105,047 | ||||
55919 | -16 | pickle105 | 105,043 | ||||
55920 | -16 | FirstClassTrainer | 105,039 | ||||
55921 | -16 | GalacticsEnd | 105,035 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
47926 | -7 | AceAxi | 25 | ||||
47927 | -7 | mfurn99 | 25 | ||||
47928 | -7 | Dressage Master | 25 | ||||
47929 | -7 | Kenn1113 | 25 | ||||
47930 | -7 | Clarissa Fairchild | 25 | ||||
47931 | -7 | llynn89 | 25 | ||||
47932 | -7 | maschalyn2003 | 25 | ||||
47933 | -7 | aromatic | 25 | ||||
47934 | -7 | bluequeen111 | 25 | ||||
47935 | -7 | Squidlet | 25 | ||||
47936 | -7 | bluebaby01 | 25 | ||||
47937 | -7 | cloverabc | 25 | ||||
47938 | -7 | Garlic Sauce | 25 | ||||
47939 | -7 | Ashxmaster18 | 25 | ||||
47940 | -7 | Zephyra611 | 25 | ||||
47941 | -7 | letmebeapeng | 25 | ||||
47942 | -7 | kim2211 | 25 | ||||
47943 | -7 | Lucy_horse | 25 | ||||
47944 | -7 | Snowball's House | 25 | ||||
47945 | -7 | xolverite | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
50958 | +10 | Denver Sinful | 51,765 | ||||
50959 | +10 | PrincessPeach | 51,764 | ||||
50960 | +10 | Erumaren | 51,761 | ||||
50961 | +11 | osteosloot | 51,751 | ||||
50962 | +11 | Rebel.Kitty | 51,745 | ||||
50963 | +11 | Hobi_Hobi | 51,737 | ||||
50964 | +12 | ri-ri-lays | 51,729 | ||||
50965 | +12 | Ashtra | 51,725 | ||||
50966 | +12 | kat06 | 51,715 | ||||
50967 | +12 | Squidlet | 51,715 | ||||
50968 | +12 | autumnrain_books | 51,709 | ||||
50969 | +12 | Jynxar | 51,709 | ||||
50970 | +14 | kush4d20 | 51,704 | ||||
50971 | +14 | princecaviar | 51,703 | ||||
50972 | +14 | kenndaddyy | 51,694 | ||||
50973 | +14 | Gor | 51,692 | ||||
50974 | +14 | Richnanna | 51,687 | ||||
50975 | +14 | Hunterjumper | 51,683 | ||||
50976 | +15 | Maple_leaves | 51,671 | ||||
50977 | +15 | Judson | 51,664 |
Player | Days | ||||||
37401 | -14 | MoonNSun214 | 84 | ||||
37402 | -14 | GoldenGaytime404 | 84 | ||||
37403 | -14 | littledreamer | 84 | ||||
37404 | -14 | merielain | 84 | ||||
37405 | -14 | Philosoki | 84 | ||||
37406 | -14 | YukiMellow | 84 | ||||
37407 | -14 | -Tia- | 84 | ||||
37408 | -14 | rbrummel | 84 | ||||
37409 | -14 | Baylie Harsh | 84 | ||||
37410 | -14 | Squidlet | 84 | ||||
37411 | -14 | Phonez | 84 | ||||
37412 | -14 | rs11246 | 84 | ||||
37413 | -14 | Bryoni | 84 | ||||
37414 | -14 | _j_e_s_s_c_ | 84 | ||||
37415 | -14 | johnmarston | 84 | ||||
37416 | -14 | lol109096 | 84 | ||||
37417 | -14 | g0ldf1sh101 | 84 | ||||
37418 | -14 | QueenBish | 84 | ||||
37419 | -14 | sentig | 84 | ||||
37420 | -14 | nicholsfarm | 84 |