Araxis's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
27372 | -21 | DizzyBee | 450,359 | ||||
27373 | -21 | iloveaj | 450,342 | ||||
27374 | -21 | buntinga28 | 450,326 | ||||
27375 | -21 | andell | 450,292 | ||||
27376 | -21 | pauline-lambs | 450,269 | ||||
27377 | -21 | DoRoLin | 450,244 | ||||
27378 | -21 | lunarviper | 450,230 | ||||
27379 | -21 | Eevee_ | 450,209 | ||||
27380 | -21 | scarletfang | 450,197 | ||||
27381 | -21 | Araxis | 450,190 | ||||
27382 | -21 | Chalaska | 450,187 | ||||
27383 | -21 | MysticHorse234 | 450,159 | ||||
27384 | -44 | Hossa | 450,156 | ||||
27385 | -22 | green_apple | 450,126 | ||||
27386 | -22 | kahlfs | 450,106 | ||||
27387 | -22 | Spud | 450,105 | ||||
27388 | -22 | Porlamina | 450,081 | ||||
27389 | -22 | cprqhlover | 450,041 | ||||
27390 | -22 | Kareem Mostafa | 450,026 | ||||
27391 | -22 | jakethedog | 449,998 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
31948 | -4 | KayTee | 42 | ||||
31949 | -4 | 1dTen | 42 | ||||
31950 | -4 | Appliepie157 | 42 | ||||
31951 | -4 | summer0606 | 42 | ||||
31952 | -4 | BluLoyalT | 42 | ||||
31953 | -4 | Tiggxer | 42 | ||||
31954 | -4 | VIOTH | 42 | ||||
31955 | -4 | nefertiti94 | 42 | ||||
31956 | -4 | Kelleroy | 42 | ||||
31957 | -4 | Araxis | 42 | ||||
31958 | -4 | Chip163 | 42 | ||||
31959 | -4 | Annasaurus | 42 | ||||
31960 | -4 | edriianii | 42 | ||||
31961 | -4 | jcblake666 | 42 | ||||
31962 | -4 | carlietino | 42 | ||||
31963 | -4 | LillysStable | 42 | ||||
31964 | -4 | Mary Louise | 42 | ||||
31965 | -4 | Holstein | 42 | ||||
31966 | -4 | HelloAllGoodbye | 42 | ||||
31967 | -4 | whitneyk1719 | 42 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
29487 | -18 | TahmKruze | 340,253 | ||||
29488 | -18 | dejajenkins | 340,196 | ||||
29489 | -18 | ninanyoms | 340,189 | ||||
29490 | -16 | Turwaithiel | 340,165 | ||||
29491 | -19 | ashyyyoung | 340,145 | ||||
29492 | +13 | hongbok | 340,105 | ||||
29493 | -20 | Zozo170 | 340,099 | ||||
29494 | +1 | isabellea0621 | 340,076 | ||||
29495 | +2 | amber.sund7117 | 340,059 | ||||
29496 | -20 | Araxis | 340,033 | ||||
29497 | -20 | Paige Leibbrandt | 339,995 | ||||
29498 | -20 | ClockworkApple | 339,981 | ||||
29499 | -20 | renaissance | 339,965 | ||||
29500 | -20 | | 339,950 | ||||
29501 | -20 | Coryne | 339,913 | ||||
29502 | -20 | Karayan | 339,885 | ||||
29503 | -20 | fritzbitz | 339,855 | ||||
29504 | -17 | Aenwyn | 339,728 | ||||
29505 | -15 | A10 | 339,701 | ||||
29506 | -15 | pinner13 | 339,699 |
Player | Days | ||||||
29239 | -2 | Kenzbparker | 147 | ||||
29240 | -2 | lightnwolf101 | 147 | ||||
29241 | -2 | midnight_magic4 | 147 | ||||
29242 | -2 | ChillyPepper | 147 | ||||
29243 | -2 | CunningWave2575 | 147 | ||||
29244 | -2 | LowanValleyFarm | 147 | ||||
29245 | -2 | mw22 | 147 | ||||
29246 | -2 | Rachellove412 | 147 | ||||
29247 | -2 | Kayess | 147 | ||||
29248 | -2 | Araxis | 147 | ||||
29249 | -2 | alicia_061 | 147 | ||||
29250 | -2 | Phylnikas3 | 147 | ||||
29251 | -2 | megganrosie | 147 | ||||
29252 | -2 | Yuna_Hataru_Depp | 147 | ||||
29253 | -2 | zethhorse | 147 | ||||
29254 | -2 | aritheshywolf | 147 | ||||
29255 | -2 | gagehide | 147 | ||||
29256 | -2 | pembrly | 147 | ||||
29257 | -2 | tfussner | 147 | ||||
29258 | -2 | DawnRhine | 147 |