AdelaideTay's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
29187 | -16 | Wild and Free | 409,468 | ||||
29188 | -16 | TLVJDG29 | 409,464 | ||||
29189 | -16 | WSUCougars | 409,463 | ||||
29190 | -16 | EmiWolffe | 409,454 | ||||
29191 | -15 | CrystalSaar.45 | 409,397 | ||||
29192 | -15 | vilmisvilma12 | 409,363 | ||||
29193 | -15 | LunaRose1996 | 409,345 | ||||
29194 | -15 | holly0225 | 409,322 | ||||
29195 | -15 | 00TJ | 409,304 | ||||
29196 | -15 | AdelaideTay | 409,285 | ||||
29197 | -15 | Lorelei Preiss | 409,200 | ||||
29198 | -15 | Juma | 409,172 | ||||
29199 | -15 | Turn On A Dime | 409,161 | ||||
29200 | -15 | Witchywoman | 409,135 | ||||
29201 | +1589 | kerch | 409,125 | ||||
29202 | -16 | Chesnut500 | 409,097 | ||||
29203 | -16 | Блэйдu | 409,057 | ||||
29204 | -16 | seth22 | 409,017 | ||||
29205 | -16 | DarkSkies | 409,012 | ||||
29206 | -16 | DaniPags22 | 408,935 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
50151 | -41 | Kate Jorschumb | 23 | ||||
50152 | -41 | loozee | 23 | ||||
50153 | -41 | Marleen | 23 | ||||
50154 | -41 | AnnaBelle | 23 | ||||
50155 | -41 | kaia66 | 23 | ||||
50156 | -41 | softprincxss | 23 | ||||
50157 | -41 | KickingPixies | 23 | ||||
50158 | -41 | Rainbow Unicorn | 23 | ||||
50159 | -41 | cwassaunt | 23 | ||||
50160 | -41 | AdelaideTay | 23 | ||||
50161 | -41 | elfelfa | 23 | ||||
50162 | -41 | Elphias | 23 | ||||
50163 | -41 | rebeccaoneal | 23 | ||||
50164 | -41 | fcknjnx | 23 | ||||
50165 | -41 | SammyAreYouOk | 23 | ||||
50166 | -41 | Red planet | 23 | ||||
50167 | -41 | Miigizi | 23 | ||||
50168 | -41 | sgregston | 23 | ||||
50169 | -41 | KaitH | 23 | ||||
50170 | -41 | Skylar Waters | 23 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
48432 | -51 | NaomiBella | 63,704 | ||||
48433 | -51 | MudBug | 63,701 | ||||
48434 | -51 | kmart1313 | 63,691 | ||||
48435 | -51 | Kenna Vroman | 63,686 | ||||
48436 | +1787 | Dogseatpumkin | 63,684 | ||||
48437 | -52 | sourdoebread | 63,681 | ||||
48438 | -52 | DigitalDinoClub | 63,673 | ||||
48439 | -51 | erthayer77 | 63,660 | ||||
48440 | -50 | KingOw | 63,651 | ||||
48441 | -50 | AdelaideTay | 63,642 | ||||
48442 | -50 | gardenweaver | 63,640 | ||||
48443 | -50 | Abikins | 63,632 | ||||
48444 | -50 | ripe_peach | 63,623 | ||||
48445 | -50 | 70231070mansdorg | 63,619 | ||||
48446 | -50 | kcontakos | 63,614 | ||||
48447 | -50 | Njc2231 | 63,613 | ||||
48448 | -50 | Willowtreeequine | 63,607 | ||||
48449 | -50 | sylvanfae | 63,606 | ||||
48450 | -50 | moonwater | 63,606 | ||||
48451 | -50 | Selena Mercer | 63,604 |
Player | Days | ||||||
33347 | -5 | Savannah Cox | 110 | ||||
33348 | -5 | Kaprina1 | 110 | ||||
33349 | -5 | Julliette | 110 | ||||
33350 | -5 | sharctic | 110 | ||||
33351 | -5 | cthulhuthecat | 110 | ||||
33352 | -5 | MadamMim | 110 | ||||
33353 | -5 | Kfowler | 110 | ||||
33354 | -5 | WinterMFS | 110 | ||||
33355 | -5 | Bcktothefuture7 | 110 | ||||
33356 | -5 | AdelaideTay | 110 | ||||
33357 | -5 | Champion_07 | 110 | ||||
33358 | -5 | klansing799 | 110 | ||||
33359 | -5 | Wolfin666 | 110 | ||||
33360 | -5 | violet.hour | 110 | ||||
33361 | -5 | daantje964 | 110 | ||||
33362 | -5 | FireandIce12 | 110 | ||||
33363 | -5 | star__dusty | 110 | ||||
33364 | -5 | Kameo98 | 110 | ||||
33365 | -5 | Amarie18457 | 110 | ||||
33366 | +127 | callistoblue | 110 |