Alteric's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 20th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
39353 | -4 | jessiii | 255,041 | ||||
39354 | -3 | Kerstin | 255,006 | ||||
39355 | -3 | shaytaans | 255,005 | ||||
39356 | -3 | Dressidera | 255,001 | ||||
39357 | -3 | jumpvixen | 255,000 | ||||
39358 | -3 | Nolofinwe | 254,991 | ||||
39359 | -3 | esantiago19 | 254,988 | ||||
39360 | -3 | abitofgrace | 254,986 | ||||
39361 | -3 | Veta | 254,986 | ||||
39362 | -3 | Alteric | 254,979 | ||||
39363 | -3 | chupchik | 254,976 | ||||
39364 | -3 | Alex Star | 254,969 | ||||
39365 | -3 | Lady-Maiq | 254,969 | ||||
39366 | -3 | faè | 254,958 | ||||
39367 | -3 | Mia mouse | 254,957 | ||||
39368 | -3 | beekr17 | 254,944 | ||||
39369 | -3 | lilicik | 254,910 | ||||
39370 | -3 | Venatrixlodge | 254,900 | ||||
39371 | +44 | lukey | 254,879 | ||||
39372 | -4 | Fires Dreamcatcher | 254,875 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
48486 | -6 | Kitasan Black | 25 | ||||
48487 | -6 | Miss Dawn | 25 | ||||
48488 | -6 | Standard Deviation | 25 | ||||
48489 | -6 | babyblue347365 | 25 | ||||
48490 | -6 | rshiflett05 | 25 | ||||
48491 | -6 | Night_witch | 25 | ||||
48492 | -6 | WEEZERREAL | 25 | ||||
48493 | -6 | Henrietta | 25 | ||||
48494 | -6 | Jumor | 25 | ||||
48495 | -6 | Alteric | 25 | ||||
48496 | -6 | Änathema | 25 | ||||
48497 | -6 | amy5747 | 25 | ||||
48498 | -6 | אלקי333 | 25 | ||||
48499 | -6 | GesfordsGal | 25 | ||||
48500 | -6 | Cayla99 | 25 | ||||
48501 | -6 | Disneyland | 25 | ||||
48502 | -6 | LegendaryBabe | 25 | ||||
48503 | -6 | Teaspoon123 | 25 | ||||
48504 | -6 | Ashuriproductions | 25 | ||||
48505 | -6 | AlexSummers13 | 25 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
10779 | +15 | Empirio | 2,273,961 | ||||
10780 | +15 | zwolfreys | 2,273,911 | ||||
10781 | +16 | MyrtleTheTurtle | 2,273,878 | ||||
10782 | +16 | Misa100 | 2,273,741 | ||||
10783 | +18 | sweetmariigold | 2,273,616 | ||||
10784 | +18 | legendwolf1 | 2,273,610 | ||||
10785 | +15 | Squiggle2903 | 2,273,471 | ||||
10786 | +17 | dinosaur | 2,272,341 | ||||
10787 | +18 | ~RydenRaine~ | 2,271,587 | ||||
10788 | +16 | Alteric | 2,270,974 | ||||
10789 | +35 | dued | 2,270,791 | ||||
10790 | +17 | pandalover321 | 2,270,669 | ||||
10791 | +20 | Kaon | 2,270,274 | ||||
10792 | -112 | Lily Grace | 2,270,026 | ||||
10793 | +13 | marcus and sophie | 2,269,537 | ||||
10794 | +16 | CherieM | 2,269,532 | ||||
10795 | +13 | SomethingDifferent | 2,269,114 | ||||
10796 | +13 | monstress13 | 2,268,792 | ||||
10797 | -7530 | chapmanhg | 2,268,186 | ||||
10798 | +15 | YinYang8 | 2,268,094 |
Player | Days | ||||||
54135 | +4 | CarnageGirl | 29 | ||||
54136 | +383 | Swift | 29 | ||||
54137 | +383 | kaylabigham41 | 29 | ||||
54138 | +383 | joellaphant | 29 | ||||
54139 | +383 | Sasappis | 29 | ||||
54140 | = | Rexicorn | 28 | ||||
54141 | = | silkypikachu | 28 | ||||
54142 | = | InspireNeoGreen | 28 | ||||
54143 | = | Gervayi | 28 | ||||
54144 | = | Alteric | 28 | ||||
54145 | = | Tahannu | 28 | ||||
54146 | = | madsball | 28 | ||||
54147 | = | HikariiLucii | 28 | ||||
54148 | = | Snowstorm ~ | 28 | ||||
54149 | = | Tsume grey wolf | 28 | ||||
54150 | = | chibixuan | 28 | ||||
54151 | = | Wild West | 28 | ||||
54152 | = | CherokeeW98 | 28 | ||||
54153 | = | branmarie15 | 28 | ||||
54154 | = | 777HorseGirl | 28 |