Nellia's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 12th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
109737 | -66 | phe03xxx | 6,681 | ||||
109738 | -66 | Kayaya12 | 6,679 | ||||
109739 | -66 | pasofinofilly | 6,679 | ||||
109740 | -66 | gabriele | 6,678 | ||||
109741 | -66 | NekoSam | 6,678 | ||||
109742 | -66 | RoseAmy | 6,678 | ||||
109743 | -66 | riverowl | 6,676 | ||||
109744 | -66 | bblack22 | 6,675 | ||||
109745 | -66 | ahayden996 | 6,671 | ||||
109746 | -65 | Nellia | 6,670 | ||||
109747 | -45137 | MommaPanda22 | 6,670 | ||||
109748 | -66 | ajjay7145 | 6,668 | ||||
109749 | -66 | mollyaxeclover | 6,666 | ||||
109750 | -66 | Rosehill | 6,665 | ||||
109751 | -66 | Foh-0 | 6,665 | ||||
109752 | -66 | LilTuggies | 6,663 | ||||
109753 | -66 | aimz262 | 6,662 | ||||
109754 | -66 | Beauty Horseeeeee | 6,661 | ||||
109755 | -66 | sunnyside86 | 6,656 | ||||
109756 | -66 | JusticeMaye | 6,656 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
66488 | -18 | IsleRose | 8 | ||||
66489 | -18 | TheChicksPeepXO | 8 | ||||
66490 | -18 | reinerchick90 | 8 | ||||
66491 | -18 | graysonf20 | 8 | ||||
66492 | -18 | RICE | 8 | ||||
66493 | -18 | DR.Calico | 8 | ||||
66494 | -18 | Sleeping Penguin | 8 | ||||
66495 | -18 | icedcoffee98 | 8 | ||||
66496 | -18 | JSR94 | 8 | ||||
66497 | -18 | Nellia | 8 | ||||
66498 | -18 | tastelikemagic | 8 | ||||
66499 | -18 | EffyBones | 8 | ||||
66500 | -18 | Jen101593 | 8 | ||||
66501 | -18 | weegie | 8 | ||||
66502 | -18 | Fireballluv | 8 | ||||
66503 | -18 | Blossy12345678910 | 8 | ||||
66504 | -18 | emma.j2722 | 8 | ||||
66505 | -18 | Artemis1a | 8 | ||||
66506 | -18 | kerran91992 | 8 | ||||
66507 | -18 | Leande | 8 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
69795 | +24 | hannahequ12345 | 7,589 | ||||
69796 | +24 | Teddi | 7,588 | ||||
69797 | +24 | Ilove5horsesomuch | 7,586 | ||||
69798 | +24 | Chickadea | 7,583 | ||||
69799 | +24 | Akazienhonig | 7,582 | ||||
69800 | +24 | aliciaoffline | 7,580 | ||||
69801 | -1132 | Spirited-Doll | 7,580 | ||||
69802 | +23 | BabyBunnyPeach | 7,579 | ||||
69803 | +23 | Knightress | 7,579 | ||||
69804 | +23 | Nellia | 7,575 | ||||
69805 | +23 | Sera233 | 7,575 | ||||
69806 | +24 | Baby_Kitten | 7,571 | ||||
69807 | +24 | ageathas | 7,571 | ||||
69808 | +24 | nastia.zhuk | 7,570 | ||||
69809 | +24 | natali0305 | 7,570 | ||||
69810 | +24 | SwtT42 | 7,568 | ||||
69811 | +24 | ann908252 | 7,566 | ||||
69812 | +24 | maple cedar dogs | 7,565 | ||||
69813 | +24 | QuietRainstorm | 7,565 | ||||
69814 | +25 | demi_guise | 7,563 |
Player | Days | ||||||
50517 | +349 | demigingerjazz | 38 | ||||
50518 | -21 | hi29 | 38 | ||||
50519 | +348 | maxchaos | 38 | ||||
50520 | +348 | Pieter Chatzy | 38 | ||||
50521 | +348 | ..Annika.. | 38 | ||||
50522 | +348 | leentjepeentje | 38 | ||||
50523 | +348 | ehokana | 38 | ||||
50524 | -21 | jackjill47 | 37 | ||||
50525 | -21 | Alonaria | 37 | ||||
50526 | -21 | Nellia | 37 | ||||
50527 | -21 | Dust Moon | 37 | ||||
50528 | -21 | enfpe | 37 | ||||
50529 | -21 | thebrisbaneeventer | 37 | ||||
50530 | -21 | DaisyChainsii | 37 | ||||
50531 | -21 | dandynutty | 37 | ||||
50532 | -21 | *Metanoia* | 37 | ||||
50533 | -21 | hopesorber | 37 | ||||
50534 | -21 | BritWalden90 | 37 | ||||
50535 | -21 | Highland reel | 37 | ||||
50536 | -21 | Mfries01 | 37 |