Lumos.kcj's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 17th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
50920 | -13 | Shadow_Dragon | 166,775 | ||||
50921 | -13 | Grace Eaton | 166,767 | ||||
50922 | -13 | horse+ponylover08 | 166,764 | ||||
50923 | -13 | CorruptAshes | 166,740 | ||||
50924 | -13 | jessa456 | 166,732 | ||||
50925 | -13 | Delk_23 | 166,728 | ||||
50926 | -13 | heartland80901 | 166,721 | ||||
50927 | -13 | BlueJays'21 | 166,715 | ||||
50928 | -13 | thow | 166,707 | ||||
50929 | -13 | Lumos.kcj | 166,688 | ||||
50930 | -13 | LadyWeasel1313 | 166,687 | ||||
50931 | -13 | RisingPhoenix | 166,673 | ||||
50932 | -13 | ghost22 | 166,667 | ||||
50933 | -13 | sasamh | 166,655 | ||||
50934 | -13 | lockmaster26 | 166,653 | ||||
50935 | -13 | Adolpha | 166,646 | ||||
50936 | -13 | pony1243 | 166,620 | ||||
50937 | -13 | BayleeAG | 166,611 | ||||
50938 | +19 | hazelrayson | 166,611 | ||||
50939 | -14 | Abby598 | 166,590 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
33169 | -5 | ᴄᴀᴛᴀᴄʟʏsᴍ | 40 | ||||
33170 | -5 | VieEnRose | 40 | ||||
33171 | -5 | Apple Widower | 40 | ||||
33172 | -5 | gumplife13 | 40 | ||||
33173 | -5 | RookK | 40 | ||||
33174 | -5 | BlueBug | 40 | ||||
33175 | -5 | Caegus | 40 | ||||
33176 | -5 | Grynning_Monster | 40 | ||||
33177 | -5 | lexihorse | 40 | ||||
33178 | -5 | Lumos.kcj | 40 | ||||
33179 | -5 | stone.kaitlyn2001 | 40 | ||||
33180 | -5 | BeanBag | 40 | ||||
33181 | -5 | SHERLOCKED97 | 40 | ||||
33182 | -5 | Leon0624 | 40 | ||||
33183 | -5 | Kuehn-Hagen | 40 | ||||
33184 | -5 | kay1998 | 40 | ||||
33185 | -5 | deathlilly | 40 | ||||
33186 | -5 | preya1042 | 40 | ||||
33187 | -5 | francescaprior | 40 | ||||
33188 | -5 | KristinaFouty | 40 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7274 | +11 | megandannie | 4,008,871 | ||||
7275 | +11 | dilatorysloth | 4,008,095 | ||||
7276 | +11 | Рialotta | 4,006,357 | ||||
7277 | +13 | hoppinghamo | 4,005,228 | ||||
7278 | +10 | Whim | 4,004,742 | ||||
7279 | +10 | engineer_nerd | 4,004,632 | ||||
7280 | +15 | CalliAnnC | 4,004,237 | ||||
7281 | +10 | Pandora09 | 4,003,721 | ||||
7282 | +10 | allisonmcd | 4,002,915 | ||||
7283 | +10 | Lumos.kcj | 4,001,589 | ||||
7284 | +51 | BriarLeigh | 4,001,190 | ||||
7285 | +9 | Pastel Unicorn | 4,000,651 | ||||
7286 | -68 | caitybea1985 | 4,000,233 | ||||
7287 | -54 | MercerMadness | 3,996,402 | ||||
7288 | +8 | NocturnalState | 3,994,580 | ||||
7289 | +18 | Gothy | 3,993,944 | ||||
7290 | +7 | MeganS71 | 3,992,912 | ||||
7291 | +9 | Trolltia | 3,991,685 | ||||
7292 | +16 | VeronicA | 3,991,545 | ||||
7293 | +5 | AmberRose124 | 3,991,161 |
Player | Days | ||||||
14989 | -5 | laroey | 547 | ||||
14990 | -5 | kodevlyyn | 547 | ||||
14991 | -5 | RandomlyHere | 547 | ||||
14992 | -4 | emileyy | 547 | ||||
14993 | -1 | queen4thday | 546 | ||||
14994 | -1 | jeliz | 546 | ||||
14995 | -1 | artest9111 | 546 | ||||
14996 | = | oak creek riding | 546 | ||||
14997 | = | emilysusername | 546 | ||||
14998 | = | Lumos.kcj | 546 | ||||
14999 | = | Vetiver | 546 | ||||
15000 | +8 | SealThigh | 546 | ||||
15001 | -1 | banana46 | 546 | ||||
15002 | -1 | Aquetzali | 546 | ||||
15003 | +9 | Jodien | 546 | ||||
15004 | +9 | Legacy_Starr | 546 | ||||
15005 | -3 | court977 | 545 | ||||
15006 | -3 | Onomatopoetikon | 545 | ||||
15007 | -3 | Br3tt250 | 545 | ||||
15008 | -3 | familyrocks | 545 |