Meltel's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 27th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
37681 | -13 | Miro | 275,314 | ||||
37682 | -13 | Dandiabi | 275,310 | ||||
37683 | -13 | howrsemads | 275,275 | ||||
37684 | -13 | Petcat23 | 275,227 | ||||
37685 | -13 | JediPriestess | 275,216 | ||||
37686 | -13 | Nyx_Exotics | 275,198 | ||||
37687 | -13 | majuska.j. | 275,182 | ||||
37688 | -13 | Jaine Kingsman | 275,171 | ||||
37689 | -13 | SeraSona | 275,155 | ||||
37690 | -13 | Meltel | 275,149 | ||||
37691 | -13 | Aristalea | 275,140 | ||||
37692 | -13 | LotusBloom | 275,105 | ||||
37693 | -13 | Dorholt2707 | 275,104 | ||||
37694 | -13 | 12345 | 275,101 | ||||
37695 | -13 | karlyla | 275,100 | ||||
37696 | -13 | Padfoot12 | 275,090 | ||||
37697 | -13 | vixenxally | 275,085 | ||||
37698 | -13 | Rowan+Mandu | 275,072 | ||||
37699 | -13 | portaprooo | 275,069 | ||||
37700 | -13 | ClericRose | 275,056 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
28815 | -6 | marithea | 45 | ||||
28816 | -6 | taltal64 | 45 | ||||
28817 | -6 | XPSHEWOLFXP | 45 | ||||
28818 | -6 | kiwi girl | 45 | ||||
28819 | -6 | AGENTGEENA | 45 | ||||
28820 | -6 | Patchouli | 45 | ||||
28821 | -6 | Nayliz07 | 45 | ||||
28822 | -6 | Adamsgirl41622 | 45 | ||||
28823 | -6 | Courtney Cranmer | 45 | ||||
28824 | -6 | Meltel | 45 | ||||
28825 | -6 | Paint1997 | 45 | ||||
28826 | -6 | panpan | 45 | ||||
28827 | -6 | Aryanna Warner | 45 | ||||
28828 | -6 | bolting12 | 45 | ||||
28829 | -6 | Faecalis | 45 | ||||
28830 | -6 | Imasurvivor2007 | 45 | ||||
28831 | -6 | Agressor | 45 | ||||
28832 | -6 | Bazel | 45 | ||||
28833 | -6 | stelera | 45 | ||||
28834 | -6 | Dobrovolec Mia | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
13760 | +12 | Akihiko | 1,513,429 | ||||
13761 | +246 | Abby abell | 1,513,422 | ||||
13762 | +4 | Brielle5300 | 1,513,390 | ||||
13763 | +6 | Cckidwell | 1,513,380 | ||||
13764 | +3 | Alexi | 1,513,352 | ||||
13765 | +3 | geraltofrivia | 1,513,058 | ||||
13766 | +4 | WildOrchid | 1,512,880 | ||||
13767 | +8 | NoHorsesNoLife | 1,512,561 | ||||
13768 | +6 | AmberHeacock | 1,512,266 | ||||
13769 | +7 | Meltel | 1,511,543 | ||||
13770 | +7 | ᵴᴛoʀᴍɪ. | 1,511,317 | ||||
13771 | +7 | Leon0624 | 1,511,262 | ||||
13772 | +7 | Snazzy22 | 1,511,190 | ||||
13773 | +13 | _Faskus_ | 1,511,173 | ||||
13774 | +6 | Jessicek1 | 1,511,150 | ||||
13775 | +7 | Grandchildren | 1,511,130 | ||||
13776 | +5 | LEroy | 1,510,944 | ||||
13777 | +6 | shelby_0923 | 1,510,658 | ||||
13778 | +6 | Hannah RK | 1,510,593 | ||||
13779 | +21 | eternity | 1,510,571 |
Player | Days | ||||||
18818 | +1 | Shelby Bi | 366 | ||||
18819 | +1 | Siebie | 366 | ||||
18820 | +1 | kalidoscope | 366 | ||||
18821 | +1 | Tᥲι☯Pᥲᥒ | 366 | ||||
18822 | +20 | tmak98 | 366 | ||||
18823 | +20 | MrFox | 366 | ||||
18824 | +1 | fairy tail stable | 365 | ||||
18825 | +1 | Mediaevalwolfe | 365 | ||||
18826 | +1 | PainterandPaint | 365 | ||||
18827 | +1 | Meltel | 365 | ||||
18828 | +1 | kennazane1 | 365 | ||||
18829 | +23 | Cadmium | 365 | ||||
18830 | = | unhappyhooks | 365 | ||||
18831 | = | CamJK | 365 | ||||
18832 | = | KeriKawasaki | 365 | ||||
18833 | = | markayden | 365 | ||||
18834 | = | Victuuri | 365 | ||||
18835 | = | Snuggs | 365 | ||||
18836 | = | Daisy37 | 365 | ||||
18837 | = | Lonewolf | 365 |