TheLegendofKorra's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
64642 | -31 | RayCheri | 44,709 | ||||
64643 | -31 | Cheecha | 44,709 | ||||
64644 | -31 | Scarletvixxen | 44,707 | ||||
64645 | -31 | kwald03 | 44,701 | ||||
64646 | -31 | Eli | 44,698 | ||||
64647 | -30 | viderin | 44,692 | ||||
64648 | -30 | Eniolas | 44,685 | ||||
64649 | -29 | hoss grl | 44,674 | ||||
64650 | -29 | Kay2014 | 44,667 | ||||
64651 | -29 | TheLegendofKorra | 44,665 | ||||
64652 | -29 | vabarnabas | 44,663 | ||||
64653 | -29 | cheybaby520 | 44,659 | ||||
64654 | -29 | Acs829 | 44,658 | ||||
64655 | -29 | corona2020 | 44,658 | ||||
64656 | -29 | mpettry | 44,656 | ||||
64657 | -29 | ZARINAI4 | 44,653 | ||||
64658 | -28 | Smolhappyvirus | 44,649 | ||||
64659 | -28 | Twiiga | 44,648 | ||||
64660 | -28 | aquacious2002 | 44,643 | ||||
64661 | -28 | Noelle H | 44,643 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
46311 | -5 | dreamscape_72 | 27 | ||||
46312 | -5 | Dannocc | 27 | ||||
46313 | -5 | Berty41 | 27 | ||||
46314 | -5 | Fawn123 | 27 | ||||
46315 | -5 | Avocatto | 27 | ||||
46316 | -5 | nqrraaa | 27 | ||||
46317 | -5 | bluehorse | 27 | ||||
46318 | -5 | CherrySoda | 27 | ||||
46319 | -4 | Jenean59 | 27 | ||||
46320 | -4 | TheLegendofKorra | 27 | ||||
46321 | -4 | Starling-McNight | 27 | ||||
46322 | -4 | jaznelson98 | 27 | ||||
46323 | -4 | .birdie. | 27 | ||||
46324 | -4 | isabeloo | 27 | ||||
46325 | -4 | Brooklyn_Fsh | 27 | ||||
46326 | -4 | DreamCatcherGS | 27 | ||||
46327 | -4 | Alissa578 | 27 | ||||
46328 | -4 | Elusa1777 | 27 | ||||
46329 | -4 | Pansu | 27 | ||||
46330 | -4 | Caiyote2016 | 27 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
31293 | +547 | Morpheus | 284,266 | ||||
31294 | -21 | ghost18 | 284,263 | ||||
31295 | -21 | Colla Voce | 284,249 | ||||
31296 | -21 | Jemima Evans | 284,185 | ||||
31297 | -21 | QUEENIEQUEEN | 284,184 | ||||
31298 | -20 | Тора | 284,133 | ||||
31299 | -19 | Rabbitheart | 284,100 | ||||
31300 | -19 | Lozza256 | 284,012 | ||||
31301 | -19 | CJK | 284,009 | ||||
31302 | -19 | TheLegendofKorra | 283,968 | ||||
31303 | -19 | BreezyElm91 | 283,926 | ||||
31304 | +1394 | PrincessKC | 283,923 | ||||
31305 | +439 | wiccanwitch | 283,891 | ||||
31306 | -676 | Sheldon | 283,843 | ||||
31307 | -5 | lexis | 283,833 | ||||
31308 | -21 | Brutus0324 | 283,800 | ||||
31309 | +18 | Drianne | 283,739 | ||||
31310 | -22 | AdhdChaos | 283,734 | ||||
31311 | -22 | irene_sa24 | 283,688 | ||||
31312 | -2 | NatashaDtz | 283,680 |
Player | Days | ||||||
24532 | = | AStrideTooFast | 211 | ||||
24533 | = | Cochise1936 | 211 | ||||
24534 | = | Shealyn25 | 211 | ||||
24535 | = | CloudN9ne | 211 | ||||
24536 | = | Bellzia | 211 | ||||
24537 | +38 | Anstu | 211 | ||||
24538 | -1 | JustLoseIt312 | 210 | ||||
24539 | -1 | Shortstuff99 | 210 | ||||
24540 | -1 | cherryb00m | 210 | ||||
24541 | -1 | TheLegendofKorra | 210 | ||||
24542 | -1 | campion67rider | 210 | ||||
24543 | -1 | abela | 210 | ||||
24544 | -1 | xtbonesx | 210 | ||||
24545 | = | ellipirelli | 210 | ||||
24546 | +46 | Anna2000 | 210 | ||||
24547 | -1 | Sophie_6_6 | 210 | ||||
24548 | -1 | Jennywren | 210 | ||||
24549 | -1 | Star_Stable | 210 | ||||
24550 | -1 | MorganW | 210 | ||||
24551 | -1 | Prinrosepaw | 210 |