alecia12's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
30637 | -17 | Scarlet-Crow | 380,875 | ||||
30638 | -17 | darahhev4893 | 380,873 | ||||
30639 | -17 | Cuddlacoo | 380,849 | ||||
30640 | -17 | hehyomoma | 380,828 | ||||
30641 | -17 | sornveran | 380,820 | ||||
30642 | -17 | kuromi | 380,805 | ||||
30643 | -17 | lissaleigh2652 | 380,802 | ||||
30644 | -17 | Tipperaryy | 380,779 | ||||
30645 | -17 | Madicarter123 | 380,758 | ||||
30646 | -17 | alecia12 | 380,743 | ||||
30647 | -17 | Ruyilong | 380,699 | ||||
30648 | -1873 | shortyj | 380,688 | ||||
30649 | -18 | krymson | 380,677 | ||||
30650 | -18 | flowersandthings | 380,642 | ||||
30651 | -18 | Zaffaria | 380,632 | ||||
30652 | -18 | Loke | 380,627 | ||||
30653 | -18 | smilesweetheart | 380,601 | ||||
30654 | -17 | moonember | 380,582 | ||||
30655 | -17 | Curlybird | 380,580 | ||||
30656 | -17 | ErettTizedikes | 380,453 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
35961 | -4 | Maybellin | 37 | ||||
35962 | +4751 | spicylemon | 37 | ||||
35963 | -5 | Arne | 37 | ||||
35964 | -5 | auntieyuz | 37 | ||||
35965 | -5 | mariecarlett | 37 | ||||
35966 | -5 | Jericakes | 37 | ||||
35967 | -5 | ajemily | 37 | ||||
35968 | -5 | ZodiacPisces031309 | 37 | ||||
35969 | -5 | Ruxy | 37 | ||||
35970 | -5 | alecia12 | 37 | ||||
35971 | -5 | ncassi | 37 | ||||
35972 | -5 | Alice88 | 37 | ||||
35973 | -5 | MoonStone | 37 | ||||
35974 | -5 | Chelse Belton | 37 | ||||
35975 | -5 | Hannah.montana. | 37 | ||||
35976 | -5 | purelytori67 | 37 | ||||
35977 | -5 | Trixters | 37 | ||||
35978 | -5 | jbleackley7 | 37 | ||||
35979 | -5 | AkumaaMatatta | 37 | ||||
35980 | -4 | Cumberbabe | 37 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
34650 | +29 | Moxy999 | 214,008 | ||||
34651 | -29 | 3thyn | 213,984 | ||||
34652 | -29 | Sprucee | 213,981 | ||||
34653 | -29 | Shmecci | 213,952 | ||||
34654 | -29 | Howrse_Girl432 | 213,933 | ||||
34655 | -29 | aislinnmarie | 213,922 | ||||
34656 | -29 | horsemas | 213,910 | ||||
34657 | -29 | tmaxie | 213,903 | ||||
34658 | -6 | Velvet Dusk | 213,878 | ||||
34659 | -28 | alecia12 | 213,869 | ||||
34660 | -28 | muffin1123 | 213,838 | ||||
34661 | -28 | Tammy Sparks | 213,834 | ||||
34662 | -28 | Elizabeth24 | 213,771 | ||||
34663 | -28 | Pink4Dinosaur | 213,764 | ||||
34664 | -28 | TinyBubbleCakes | 213,752 | ||||
34665 | -28 | Akita Uzukaze | 213,750 | ||||
34666 | -28 | Volcanic | 213,716 | ||||
34667 | -28 | makemydaybucko | 213,693 | ||||
34668 | -27 | furreal458 | 213,684 | ||||
34669 | -27 | firefly967 | 213,684 |
Player | Days | ||||||
21064 | -3 | Hope'sHorses18 | 293 | ||||
21065 | -2 | Emma Jokisch | 293 | ||||
21066 | +33 | Bhujerban | 293 | ||||
21067 | -3 | Hale | 293 | ||||
21068 | -3 | egra89 | 293 | ||||
21069 | -1 | bbemagnet | 292 | ||||
21070 | -1 | Devonair | 292 | ||||
21071 | -1 | Diesel only | 292 | ||||
21072 | -1 | Froggie22 | 292 | ||||
21073 | -1 | alecia12 | 292 | ||||
21074 | -1 | Summer8890 | 292 | ||||
21075 | -1 | QHSensation | 292 | ||||
21076 | -1 | ValkyrieLupa | 292 | ||||
21077 | -1 | Sleepyboopies | 292 | ||||
21078 | -1 | EMH111 | 292 | ||||
21079 | -1 | squidbobby | 292 | ||||
21080 | -1 | dream19 | 292 | ||||
21081 | -1 | TheBigRat | 292 | ||||
21082 | -1 | AtelierSun | 292 | ||||
21083 | = | XanaduOyuun | 292 |