jump it's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
38119 | +9 | evz$$$ | 267,053 | ||||
38120 | +7 | Ilovestitch24 | 267,052 | ||||
38121 | +8 | PurpleHorse | 267,049 | ||||
38122 | +8 | oPossumOrb | 267,038 | ||||
38123 | +8 | Wolves774 | 267,028 | ||||
38124 | +8 | heathert0710 | 267,013 | ||||
38125 | +8 | LilGeronimo | 266,984 | ||||
38126 | +8 | Tinjoh | 266,954 | ||||
38127 | +8 | Eleyii | 266,952 | ||||
38128 | +8 | jump it | 266,894 | ||||
38129 | +10 | Ambie | 266,872 | ||||
38130 | +10 | Keilie | 266,863 | ||||
38131 | +10 | Gabriellewietsma | 266,858 | ||||
38132 | +10 | urmumgey2022 | 266,830 | ||||
38133 | +10 | Deanfan1985 | 266,822 | ||||
38134 | +10 | Csmith91319 | 266,815 | ||||
38135 | +10 | AwesomeAuzzie | 266,799 | ||||
38136 | +10 | electra | 266,793 | ||||
38137 | +341 | losing. | 266,788 | ||||
38138 | +9 | Corinth | 266,781 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
24438 | -1 | Gothic_Raven | 51 | ||||
24439 | -1 | Daniellemm | 51 | ||||
24440 | -1 | teatowls | 51 | ||||
24441 | -1 | roguebertskippy | 51 | ||||
24442 | -1 | Acheron | 51 | ||||
24443 | -1 | moistyogurt | 51 | ||||
24444 | -1 | Auburnfox96 | 51 | ||||
24445 | -1 | CopperSand | 51 | ||||
24446 | -1 | mandalaya | 51 | ||||
24447 | -1 | jump it | 51 | ||||
24448 | -1 | XxOmenDCLXVIxX | 51 | ||||
24449 | -1 | EviWolflake | 51 | ||||
24450 | -1 | BMTH Equestrian | 51 | ||||
24451 | -1 | Cici340 | 51 | ||||
24452 | -1 | chimkennuggents | 51 | ||||
24453 | -1 | alexandria | 51 | ||||
24454 | -1 | Lushious1967 | 51 | ||||
24455 | -1 | JenniferTebo91 | 51 | ||||
24456 | -1 | tequi | 51 | ||||
24457 | -1 | larkrey | 51 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
41516 | -20 | tigger8pooh | 117,935 | ||||
41517 | = | Foxina95 | 117,913 | ||||
41518 | -20 | xxluluxx | 117,880 | ||||
41519 | +106 | Omega182 | 117,879 | ||||
41520 | -21 | Crystal Autumn | 117,877 | ||||
41521 | +9 | Jojojnr88 | 117,877 | ||||
41522 | -22 | shadow446 | 117,835 | ||||
41523 | +502 | Druftttt | 117,831 | ||||
41524 | -21 | bulwincle123 | 117,825 | ||||
41525 | -23 | jump it | 117,797 | ||||
41526 | +186 | Marie Talbott | 117,784 | ||||
41527 | +4593 | dakotababy1212 | 117,781 | ||||
41528 | -24 | ranger | 117,754 | ||||
41529 | -23 | Horse24 | 117,697 | ||||
41530 | -23 | countrylexi | 117,687 | ||||
41531 | -23 | Cookie | 117,680 | ||||
41532 | -23 | horseninja164 | 117,652 | ||||
41533 | -23 | Nami_sushi | 117,639 | ||||
41534 | +2695 | MissGoldfish. | 117,623 | ||||
41535 | +13 | simca_dob | 117,604 |
Player | Days | ||||||
11614 | +5 | FaxyMama30 | 785 | ||||
11615 | -1 | TheBlackRider | 784 | ||||
11616 | -1 | Satin1 | 784 | ||||
11617 | -1 | HeartLand:) | 784 | ||||
11618 | +11 | threadwings | 784 | ||||
11619 | -1 | sandtruck21 | 784 | ||||
11620 | +11 | Zebstrika | 784 | ||||
11621 | -1 | gaarateam | 783 | ||||
11622 | -1 | Adam's Farm | 783 | ||||
11623 | -1 | jump it | 783 | ||||
11624 | -1 | IsabellaC | 783 | ||||
11625 | -1 | Saphira0016 | 783 | ||||
11626 | -1 | barncs | 783 | ||||
11627 | -1 | ariannamarie0201 | 783 | ||||
11628 | -1 | Dappled Turtle | 783 | ||||
11629 | +13 | 19emma99 | 783 | ||||
11630 | -2 | lynne2022 | 783 | ||||
11631 | +14 | Penny88 | 783 | ||||
11632 | +15 | Kayla74 | 783 | ||||
11633 | +15 | SilverLotusLamer | 783 |