I am a casual player since I am an adult with tons of responsibilities such as work and school. I mainly breed and train Argentinian Criollos. But I also have some experience with training and blupping some Standardbreds and Irish Hunters. Irish Hunters and Arabians were the first breeds that I learned to properly train and BLUP horses in a timely manner. Provided I have everything I need. I am always looking for Chronos Timers and Morpheus' Arms. I am willing to purchase those at reasonable price or exchange to an item I may have.
Hello everyone, my name is Oliver45 and I am an adult player. I do accept ALL friend requests and I do ask that before you send a request and if you are a minor, please have parent's consent FIRST. I do not tolerate begging nor do I tolerate disrespect as I only come on to this game to unwind from real life. As stated above, I am a casual player that logs on ever so often just to keep my seniority going and my number of horses increasing.