Hopefully everyone is finding something to keep them busy in this pandemic time.  Stay safe!

I am sorry if the following statement makes you unhappy.  This is coming from a former teacher that saw how girls in high school starved themselves and dressed scantily to impress every male that they came into contact with.  Not every girl was that way, but too many of them were.  Those that were, had very low self esteem and couldn't make decisions without everyone else's input.

You don't have to have your shirt slid down to your belly button, your shorts cut to your underclothing, your face loaded with make up, and your body sickly slim; to impress a real guy. A guy that is worth being with will call you beautiful when your in your sweats and your hair is in a mess. Be the girl that you want to be, the right guy will come along some day. It bothers me to see the girls I know going around with their bra's showing and their shorts exposing everything. Yeah, that will get you a guy's attention, but trust me, it's the kind of attention you don't want or need. Guys out there reading this, if you agree go ahead and put it on your page. Girls out there, put it on your page if you are NOT one of these girls, and proud.

I am an adult player.  Please have your parents permission to message me. Thank you!