Welcome Everyone

To The Page Of Eruraven!


Hi and welcome to my page! My name on this game is eruraven or raven to my friends. The picture of the horse and raven above was made for me by VedaSword, a great artist and friend. Veda also draws chibi kitties like this one saturnclaw_chibi_by_dark_forest_faerie_d1kez9m-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzU0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvY2IwZDQzMjctZTM5ZC00NWQ4LWEwMjYtZGJhYjFiMTI4NzYzXC9kMWtlejltLTk0YjQzNmFmLWVhYzAtNGQyMi1hYWJkLTRkMzFlMjUzNDI0MS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODQwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.F23LKwi6TmTGt3_cjW-B4SXX31dziH8zonDlreqvGP8isn't it cute. I  am always happy to chat when I 'm on so feel free to pm me and I will answer. That's about it for now. Well happy Howrseing!

My Breeding

I am a proud NIB breeder. I breed purebreds mostly but occasionally experiment with crossbreeding to boost certain skills faster. I do not send any horse I buy or breed to Heaven until they are 30 years or over as I believe that with hard work any horses future can be changed but as BMIs needed for breeding and BLUPing are expensive horses that are not NIB tend to be used for pass horses after they reach the age of 30 unless they are for a trophy or help to meet some other goal of mine . 

Other Interests:

I have various other interests outside of Howrse that I enjoy, one of which is reading. I read a variety a different books including but not limited to fantasy, short story and poetry. While I enjoy reading poetry I also enjoy writing it and in the past have won awards for my works. I also love photography and while I'm not a professional I still do fairly decent work.




Role Plays:

I used to be in several role plays both on Howrse and off and had several characters such as Blackstorm, from Karma_Dealer's Lostclan, which is now long gone. The same is largely for my time in being able to RP and after over 10 years of RP so is much of my interest in it. I do try and keep art and such around from those days though as alot of effort went into it but sometimes things happen and pieces are lost to the mists of time. Anyway thanks for stopping bye hope you enjoyed viewing my page!




made by Christeana



made by Karma_Dealer


This banner was made by Jengem



This banner made by Peeklo


Pets name: Mirage

Adopt your own

Pet's name: Solarum Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!


You Are A: Frog!

froggyIndependent yet still part of a large community, frogs are unique creatures known for their distinctive sound and ability to hop. As a frog, you spend your days sitting on lily pads or climbing trees, searching for delicious insects to eat. While there are some frogs that aren't exactly cute, you are certainly not one of those!

You were almost a: Chipmunk or a Kitten

You are least like a: Puppy or a PonyCute Animal Test!


What breed of horse are you? Find out






Your fairy is called Gossamer Reedfrost

She is a panpipe player and enchantment singer.

She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos.

She is only seen during the first snow of winter.

She wears tiny black spiders on her dresses. She has gentle green butterfly wings.

Get your free fairy name here!


95%of teenagers would cry and die if Twilight was wiped off the face of the earth put this on your page if you are the 5% that would throw a celebration and run through the streets screaming Hallelujah !!

Pet's name: Nehrania

Pet's name: MoonFrost
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!