Happy New Year

I'm buying GAs & P.Stones plz pm me asap if you have any you are selling!!!!    >>>>I need Aging Points ASAP!!!!!!<<<<

About Me
I have a dog & I ride saddlebreds saddleseat (it's a form of english style riding; read The Racing Jockey's page for more info about it)
-Breed arab unis -make 100,000e -breed an elite TB, Arab, or IH
More Coming Soon!!


For Sale (Horses, Tack, BMI, etc.)


Plz pm me if interested in any thing listed below:
Look @ my list of horses below(mares & stallions). All of them are purebreds. If a horse has nothing after it's name it is not for sale. If a horse has C is Considered For Sale, if has a FS is For Sale, if has a P is Sale is Pending. I am open to any offers on my horses.
WL Saddle (2) - 520e each
BL Bridle (1) - 100e each
Both - 600e (includes 1 saddle & 1 bridle)
POC (11)- 2,500e each
Centaurs Pack - make offer (bidding in my EC)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas tristique cursus velit. Donec at nisi et augue aliquet rhoncus. Donec non tellus. Morbi dolor. Sed eros pede, tincidunt at, pellentesque sed, blandit ac, orci. Donec dui. Aliquam placerat rhoncus urna. Aliquam vel pede. Vestibulum malesuada condimentum lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis. Nulla luctus vulputate velit.

I will post things i am buying here...
****I NEED P.STONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****
Rules when i buy:
-if trading BMI, i will buy the horse AFTER you send the BMI. don't worry i am an honest person & will NOT try to scam you.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas tristique cursus velit. Donec at nisi et augue aliquet rhoncus. Donec non tellus. Morbi dolor. Sed eros pede, tincidunt at, pellentesque sed, blandit ac, orci. Donec dui. Aliquam placerat rhoncus urna. Aliquam vel pede. Vestibulum malesuada condimentum lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis. Nulla luctus vulputate velit.




~Treasure~(foundationTB) FS
Wild Thing (1*TB) C
Starlight Starbright(10*arab) C
Peanut Butter Cup(3*arab) FS
Night's Darkest Sky(4*arab) FS
4LeafClover(4*arab) FS
~Lady Godiva~(6*arab) FS
Freedom Flyer(8*TB)
Happy New Year 2010 (11*TB)
Stardom Bound(10*TB)
Trevi Fountain(17*TB) FS
Galloping Hoofbeats (8*TB)
Marshmellow Fluff (TB w/R.C.)
Hot Blooded (2*TB uni)
~Maui~ (foundation TB)
!Shamrock The House!(17*IH)
Bailey's Irish Creme(17*IH) C
Pot of Gold (17*IH) C
Sidney's Candy (16*TB) FS
Lookin At Lucky (16*TB) FS
Make Music for Me (20*TB) FS

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas tristique cursus velit. Donec at nisi et augue aliquet rhoncus. Donec non tellus. Morbi dolor. Sed eros pede, tincidunt at, pellentesque sed, blandit ac, orci. Donec dui. Aliquam placerat rhoncus urna. Aliquam vel pede. Vestibulum malesuada condimentum lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis. Nulla luctus vulputate velit.

I want revenge (8*TB)- 200e
Walkin On Clouds(8*TB)-200e
Well Armed (11*TB)-200e
Old Fashioned (11*TB)-200e
The Pamplemousse(11*TB)-200e
Blind Luck (25*TB)-300e
The River Dance(2*TB) C
Patchen Beauty(4*TB) C
Blind Luck (25*TB)                  
Lucky Promise (25*TB) FS   .:Hercules:. (14*TB) FS          ~One Eyed Jack~(17*IH) FS
Acryllic(4*arab) FS
Dusk(3*arab) FS
IntoxicatingLove(9*arab) C

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas tristique cursus velit. Donec at nisi et augue aliquet rhoncus. Donec non tellus. Morbi dolor. Sed eros pede, tincidunt at, pellentesque sed, blandit ac, orci. Donec dui. Aliquam placerat rhoncus urna. Aliquam vel pede. Vestibulum malesuada condimentum lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis. Nulla luctus vulputate velit.

12/28/09: congrates to juliaisgood on buying my arab unis!
1/1/2010: Freedom Flyer had a filly & my 1st foal of the newyear2010. She is full blooded sister to Old Fashioned, her name is HappyNewYear2010a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png
7/2/2010: HappyNewYear2010 has given birth to twins!! check them out Sidney's Candy & Lookin At Lucky!!                        
7/4/2010: Make Music for Me gave birth to American Fireworks  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas tristique cursus velit. Donec at nisi et augue aliquet rhoncus. Donec non tellus. Morbi dolor. Sed eros pede, tincidunt at, pellentesque sed, blandit ac, orci. Donec dui. Aliquam placerat rhoncus urna. Aliquam vel pede. Vestibulum malesuada condimentum lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis. Nulla luctus vulputate velit.

Other (Miscellaneous)

This is other stuff such as pics, banners, & random things enjoy!

Photobucketplease bring Saddlebreds to Howrse!!!! I ride them in real life & it would be awesome to have them on here too!!!!
Ways to have fun ^^
1. sit in parked a car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars and see if they slow down
2. page yourself over the intercom. don't disguise your voice
3. everytime someone askes you to do something ask them if they want fries with that
4. put a paper bin on your desk and label it "in"
5. order a diet water whenever you go out to eat-- with a serious face
6. specify that your drive-through order is "to go"
7.skip rather than walk
8. dont use any punctuation
9. sing along at the opera
10. five days in advanced tell your friends you cant go to their party because you aren't in the mood
11. have your friends address you by your wrestling name,rock bottom
12. when money comes out of the cash machine scream "i won, i won!"
13.when leaving the zoo, start running toward the car park screaming "run for your lives, they're loose!"
14. put this on your page and make someone else smile ;)

This is this cat
This is is cat. 
This is how cat.
This is to cat. 
This is keep cat.
This is an cat.
This is idiot cat.
This is busy cat.
This is for cat.
This is forty cat.
This is seconds cat.
Now go back and read the 3rd (red) word in each line from the top down and I bet u'll wanna put this on ur page:)
HIThanks For Looking Plz Come Back Soon!!

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