A bit about myself
I have a red roan quarter horse in real life, hence the username.
I'm a recent college graduate from Michigan State University where I got a degree in Zoology. I spent the summer working at the Miami Metro Zoo in Florida, hanging out mostly with the giraffe, zebra, ostrich, and gazelle. I also got to work with rhinos, pypmy hippos, hyena, warthogs, and all sorts of other hoofstock. It was an amazingly awesome experience.
I now own a dog boarding kennel. We mostly just board dogs and a few cats now and then, and we also do grooming and a little bit of retail.
On Howrse, I started out breeding chincoteague ponies with rubbery, tookeen, and hazzard_pay. I then moved on to breed Irish Hunters; I was part of the group that got them the first and second greenstar. Now I just play with my skills howrses. You may have seen my hano, Unbridled Desires, up on the leader board for totol number of jumping wins. She's over 2000 wins now. Also, my little crossbreed pony, Die Hard, is on the leader board for gallop wins.