My name is Michelle and I'm from Iron Mountain MI.  I am a real mom of 2 and a foster mom to 2 others.  I grew up with horses and currently board 1. 


I am also running a rescue type farm on Howrse.  If you have older horses 25 and up.  I will give them a good and safe retirement home with only the best until they go to Horse Haven.  PM if you'd like me to take one of your horses. 

I also like to help people out.  If you are looking for a specific howrse Please PM me and I will find you a howrse based on your specifics.  I will opt for better quality horses for you rather than cheaper ones.  Please give me a list of info that you would like me to help you out with.  Most important are




level of training

and price you would like to buy it at

I will then find you a howrse, buy it for you then reserve it for you in the PS.  I will do this for a minimal fee.  If I can find a howrse for lower than what you want to spend I just keep the difference.  I can't promise a miracle though so try to stay realistic.  Thanks


On A Side Note Our Team has bred the first Double Star Newfies thanks to my stud Try it Again Sam bred by JagsMOM!!!

Good Going Gals



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