- I am a 20-something year old ADULT player in the United States. (For this reason if you are a minor please get parental consent before messaging me)
- I have 3 horses. Biscuit a 14.2 blood bay AQHA mare. Touka a 14.2 buckskin Quarter Horse Mustang Cross mare. Ella - Reg. Orange Creams a 16.2 dark bay Thoroughbred mare.
- My husband & I have 8 dogs... yes 8. Bubba a mtn feist, Chevy a beagle, Blackie a beagle, Wilma a redbone, Roscoe a mtn feist x jrt, Sorrel a australian shepherd, Hershey a BBM, Skylar (Skye) a BBM.
- We also have 2 cats Hunter & River. And at anyone time we may have 1-2 foster animals.
- I enjoy country music, bon fires, spending time with my better half and trail riding.
- The username on my account was created by my aunt when I was a child. I'd change it but after over a decade it just wouldn't seem right.
- I'm not breeding to have the highest GP horses anymore as that race is constantly changing and I wasn't able to enjoy my game.
- Instead I am collecting horses and dabbling in breeding Akhal-Tekes, Quarter Horses, Paints, Mustangs, Chincoteague Ponies, Barbs & Donkeys.
- Almost all of my horses are for sale if the price is right. However they are just that for sale NOT on sale.
- Passes are HIGHLY valuable to me as a non pass buyer.
- Messaging me asking me to break rules or help scam someone will be reported. I will tell said person what you are trying to do then you'll be black listed.
- DO NO BEG FOR FREE STUFF. As stated I am a non pass buyer so I've worked my tail off getting where I am. I started playing as a child so I understand how hard it can be but it is doable and makes it worth it in the end.
- I buy all unwanted horses for the prices below. *Prices subject to small fluctuation either way.
- If you reserve them just shoot me a message and I'll pick them up. I have several million stored in wheat bran so I can afford to buy upwards of a few hundred horses at a time. All I ask is that you follow the price chart.
- However on the last group of horses we will have to discuss the horse and decide on a price!
- I will attach a basic price chart.
- *Currently Paying 10,000e-15,000e for any howrses with Hypnos blankets. I collect them...its my thing. Lol
- You know horses are smarter than people. You've never heard of a horse going broke betting on people. ~Will Rogers
- There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse. ~John Lubbock
- Riding: The art of keeping a horse between you and the ground. ~Author Unknown
- The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears. ~Arabian Proverb
- Its not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must also know how to fall. ~Proverb

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