Hi...My name is Marcia (better known as Rappyrulez; to my friends as Rappy or Rappers).
My horses outside this world are "Snowball"; a very large (16.3) white, sky blue eyed, quarterhorse. He is not only fast, but extremely intelligent, and never ceases to amaze us with every trick he learns and obstacle he overcomes. He is eighteen years old (been with us since he was a baby) and loved dearly.
"Tonto", our paint, has sapphire blue eyes and is ten years old. He's a people horse and very funny...gets into everything (very nosey) and lives to eat. We have had him since he was five and he loves to showoff...he will side pass all day long for horse cookies.
And "High Dollar", who is a 20 year old Palomino that we have had for approximately one year and (because of his previous life) came to us with a few issues. We are working hard to get around and thru these issues and he is rewarding us daily with his love & trust. He has a trot & lope that are both heaven sent...a true Cadillac ride. We are thrilled to have him and will provide him with the care & love that will enable him to spend many more years with us.
This world has tested both my knowledge & horse skills. I am having a great time here...Thank You Howrse
On Monday, September 14, 2009 at 1:45pm we held Snowball as his amazing spirit and blessed soul left this earth to meet his God. We have no doubt that this incredible friend/companion made his last journey at a full gallop and that God's gates were wide open for him. We know that the standard he set can never be replaced or equaled...he is truly missed and will remain in our hearts until the end of our days. We love you Snowball...J & M