a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582021737.pnghello I'm Mol and I can't believe how much this place has changed girl pleasea4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582021737.png

for real though, hello I'm Molly but literally everyone calls me Mol, I'm 28, british, and I use all pronouns. I'm a writer and a singer and I live in the north of england xx

I played this game back when I was like 10 which was forever ago, it's changed a lot and I do not mean that kindly but we move I guess?? they just made me use philosophers stones on starter horses HELLO???? but also I got two free horses that I got to call Dorian and Jane (after the two best Greys) soooooo

anyway uh. plsss don't hesitate to message me if u wanna talk!! I am tired but I'm nice (I hope!!)

btw I used to ride horses when I was younger but in my late teens I got very very ill - I have a condition called fibromyalgia which essentially means that I'm in pain for no good reason all the time and it's REALLY annoying. it's possibly to do with pain receptors but no one knows for sure. I'm more than happy to talk about it cause I don't think enough ppl understand it but yeah. it's chronic, it's really annoying, but it means I occasionally get to clap back at people who give me dirty looks for using the priority seats on the bus, soooooo

~btw my username refers to Good Golly Miss Molly by the Beatles and while I like them I do not think they were the best thing to come out of the 60s~