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<[___\_\_-----<  -~~~~~~~-|    *Welcome*         |~
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Please sign the Logbook (Guestbook) in the forums!2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582023526.png

I am sorry if I have posted in your guestbook and the image link is broken, I am not sure why it keeps breaking :')

Returning player from the late 2000's. Howrse was my lifeblood back in Jr. High (im ancient now) when I only used it to RP. I met my best friends on this game, and decided to try to get back into it now that I actually understand how the breeding works.568c3842c2bcbdd03b18b49a3284e7d5_v1582021737.png

About Me:

Adult, (He/They/ Any)
Born and raised in Texas, Currently living in Kentucky.
I work at a small airport as a ramp agent and I enjoy the aviation field. I am currently working towards my pilot license and would love to fly as a career some day. In the mean time, I enjoy drawing and making costumes (fursuits) as a hobby. At some point I would love to contribute my artwork to the game. While im not as avidly in the furry/cosplaying community as I use to be, I love making suits and cosplaying at conventions when I can.
Horses have always been one of my favorite animals and now that I live in KY I have been able to experience being around them more. 
My children include one dog, two cats, and a iguana (plus the other animals in the house that are not mine). I love plants, mostly Cacti, and I have a whole army of them guarding the entrance to our house. I also have a thriving hibiscus tree and a sunflower.

Interests: Flying, Horses, Cows, Transformers (robots in general), Trigun, and Art/Fursuit making.

In game interests: 

Just having fun, using my Howrse time to relax.
Breeding mainly Percherons and Mangalargas. Also trying to get one horse of every breed for funsies.

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Fursuit making socials for those interested:

Insta: @potatomonstercosplay
Twitter: @PMCsuits

I will try to congratulate back when I can!
Random friend requests are accepted but please know I do not talk much to people unless I know them, I am not very good at talking to strangers.
Thanks for reading!
