Hi Loves! I'm ManeAdventure, Howrse was one of my favorite games to play growing up. For some reason I decided to stop playing. So many updates have happened since I was last on.

My plan for this account is to grow as a player and to breed/compete both QH and Paints. I'd love to have connect to other QH/Paint breeders. Feel free to add me if you are one of them. Shockingly with all the updates and everything I seem to still remember how this game works haha. I'm excited to see how far I get with this account. Even more excited to see others grow on this game.

Feel free to DM me if you would like one of my foals/horses in the future or even if you would like for me to send you a stud. When it comes to selling my horses I will either automatically put them in direct sale or keep some until I feel ready to sell them. If there happens to be a certain way you would like one of my horses (ex. fully trained, pregnant or simply a foal) please let me know. Fully trained will cost more than foals themselves. Same for pregnant mares. Not by much, but I'm sure you can understand why.

Much love, 