Hello! You may call me HorseGirl or Beth. Whichever you prefer! I will be friends with practically anyone, but I do prefer to get a PM before the request, so I know a little bit about you. 
I am an aspiring writer in my late teens. (I have written casual stories but I hope to be a professional writer someday) 
I am the second oldest in a family of eight children!
My siblings are:

History Buff (https://www.howrse.com/joueur/fiche/?id=40392976)

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. . . . ) . ‘”¨ . .):. .`-,;:.`,’;;‘¸,.¹¯¸¸,.- The Punctuation Horse wants to be on
. . .,-’ , , , , ,-‘;:.. . .`-¸;:.`,’--~’`,¯-.,¸_,everyone's page. Do your part, by putting
. . (. ,•¸,-~’¨|;;;::.. .. . “-,;:/,`,-~-~¬¯. . . . . . .¸,..,¸ . . . . .¸,.-~--.¸_ him on your page
. . . ¨`” . . . .|;;;:::.. . .. . ¯¯`*¬~---~~¬¬”``~-,;:;;`”~--~”:;;::,-“’’``¯¨and help him
. . . . . . . . . ;;;::… . … , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¨`-,;;:;;::;;::;:;:`¬~-.¸ get around
. . . . . . . . . /;;;:;::… ,, ..:;, . . . . . . . . . ., ¸ . . . .`,;;:;:::;:;:;;-~”`¨¨`¬~ Howrse!
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