Thanks for visiting my page! I just play for fun, but Plz feel free to check out my horses and leave congratulations! I ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE FOALS FOR SALE FOR A CHEAP PRICE! Even if one of my horses is not currently for sale, I might be willing to sell, just send a message. I'm obsessed with all the basic stuff and a huge reader!
About me:

Fav color: aqua

Fav food: cheese ravioli

Fav animal: pangolin

Fav singer: Taylor Swift 

Fav band: The Beatles (or ABBA)

Fav book series: Harry Potter

Fav book: Little Women

Fav dinosaur: brachiosaurus 

Fav movie: Jurrasic World 

Fav disney: Beauty and the Beast <3

Fav hero: Spiderman (yes, I'm team Ironman)

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Patronus: Hedgehog 

Also: Team Edward 

My pets: 3 sheep, Oats, Honey, and Winnifred, 5 ducks, 1 dog, Lady, and 1 cat, Minty