Dear all,

I'm Ejoss, an adult player behind the years, and now I have found my way back here after long, long break.

I'm originally from Finland, currently living in Norway, and I would love to find especially other Fins from here!

I started playing howrse back when I was a kid, if I remember corrctly, the year was 2009. Through the years I used to play in Finnish server and in global server focusing on breeding high quality Arabian unicorns and what ever else was interesting back in time. 

After long while of on/off playing during my early adult years, I just forgot this game, but some whisper of nostalgy brought me back and here I am. 

Doing what?
- That I don't know yet.

I found myself interested for my beautiful home countries (Finland and Norway) national horses Finnish horses and Fjord horses. Maybe that's what I'm meant to do now when I'm back.

In time, I will most likely be interested of team breeding and especially breeding unicorns, since I love the challenge.

Let me wonder around a bit, and find myself again in Howrse. In mean while, don't hesitate to send me message, if you have some kind of ideas. Especially Finnish and Norwegian players, let's team up? 

Best Regards,