Hey, y'all! I started playing Howrse back in 2009, kept it up for a few years, and then...university happened. Fast-forward to 2024 when my all-growed-up self is doomscrolling on her phone and then s u d d e n l y:
"I wonder what happened to that horse game I used to play?"
Turns out: a lot. A lot happened. So here I am, starting from scratch and re-learning the ropes (there used to be way fewer ropes??) until I reach a place I can be proud of!
1. Acquire many lovely horses
2. Advance the Fjord & Finnish agendas
3. ???

Random Howrse History Facts:
- Because of when the game came out and the fact that a lot of players were girls, there was a ridiculously-huge overlap between Howrse players and Twilight fans. Like, the Venn diagram was a circle. Except for a teensy sliver that really vocally hated Twilight instead. Wild.
- You could only play on desktop because the only smartphone was the iPhone, and you only had an iPhone if you were rich or like, super into tech. Or both.
- I'm pretty sure we single-handedly kept mybannermaker.com in business after MySpace went down. Also,
- MySpace hadn't gone down yet.
- You could only breed unicorns during one of two specific 1-minute intervals per 24 hour period. If your internet was bad, the whole site would lag as everyone tried to cover their uni mares simultaneously. Until June '24, I hadn't played for over a decade, yet to this day, when I look at a clock during that specific interval, I think "unicorn time!" and feel a weird sense of urgency.
- CraXoR. iykyk
- We all collectively lost our mind (single, shared) when donkeys came out. Just. Absolute madness.