Last Updated 06/08/2024

About Me:

My name's Rose and I just started my third account on Howrse! My other two got deleted (HorseCrazyRose & HorseCrazyRose1), so it took me awhile to regain my motivation, but at least I have my original username again!

My favorite horses are definitely Gypsy Vanners, they're just cute lil guys.

As far as out-of game stuff, I'm mostly draw and play horse games.


Buying & Selling


Only horses I'd be looking to buy are ones listed in the "Future Breeding Projects" section. Though it might be difficult to buy them since I have a few days until I can unlock reserved sales.


I'm hoarding horses for now. Gotta get those aging points.


Rose's Horse Haven

Coming soon! It was a project I was working on when I had my other accounts, but I kept becoming inactive (mainly cause I didn't have time nor wifi).

Do you have a horse (or a few) that you don't really use and are too lazy to sell, and you don't particularly want to send them to the Safe Haven either? Well have no fear!

I make it my goal to take in funky cross-breeds, retired donkeys, or even that one horse at the bottom  of your breeding farm that hasn't seen sunlight in months! I'll make sure to give your horse the retirement they deserve! You get to be a good person and I get to have more beautiful horsies (or donkeys) to fuel my need for aging points! (I have far too much spare time)


Breeding Projects

Gypsy Vanners ~

I strive to breed high GP Gypsy Vanners, and have since I started the game years ago! I've always been obsessed with them, and I have mixed feelings about the game now referring them as "Vanners".

Donkeys ~

I absolutely love them. In no other horse game have I been so attached to Donkeys but in this case they made them a bit too cute. I spend far too much on baby donkeys to further my breeding project, RIP my bank account.

Shires, Percherons & Ban'ei ~

I don't even mean to breed these guys but on quite literally all my accounts I've ended up with one some way or another. Plus they're cute little large fellas.


Future Breeding Projects..?  (Mostly a Reminder for Myself)

Gypsy Vanner Unicorns ~

I'm already obsessed with Gypsy Vanners and breeding them for a purpose other than GP would be a nice change of pace! Higher GP would be preferable though so I could board them for cheaper and such.

20000+ GP Shires, Percherons and Ban-ei ~

Breeding for GP in drafts would be nice so its less of a pumping-out-babies thing, I could definitely see myself doing that. High GPs are also just worth more in general, and it'd make boarding cheaper easier.