- wildlife and fisheries student -
- US based -
- film enjoyer -

I played this game back in high school under the username "I Breed Racers". Now that I've almost graduated college, I decided to jump back in. Still adjusting to the "new" Howrse, but I'm pumped to be back in the game.

I breed Akhal-Tekes and Tennessee Walkers in Western disciplines. My goal is to breed high-quality horses. I'm only one person, so I can't mass breed horses like many teams can - but I really enjoy this game and would love to make a decent stream of income from my breeding.

If you see a horse of mine that you would like to purchase, or a stallion you'd like a covering from, please PM me and we can work something out! I offer both horse sales and coverings at competitive prices. 

I'm happy to chat about anything on my profile or any Howrse-related things. :) happy horsing!